Heart & Neck Vessels

Cards (98)

  • Heart is a hollow muscular, 4-chambered organ that is located in the mediastinum
  • The weight of a woman heart is about 255 g (9 oz) & 310g (10.9 oz) in males
  • Ventricles have thicker walls than atria
  • Atria are thin walled chambers
  • The heart is located at the 2nd to 5th ICS that points laterally to the right shoulder and its apex is pointing at the left hip
  • Precordium is the part of the heart that covers and protects it to the external environments and to keep it in place
  • There are 2 layers of the Pericardium (Serous and the Fibrous)
  • The serous pericardium is the layer that contains the pericardial fluid that lubricates the heart to avoid intense friction when contracting
  • The Stroke volume is the amount of volume that the heart excretes every time it contracts which must be 70mL
  • The Cardiac Output is the amount of blood that the heart excretes per minute which must be 5 to 6L/min
  • The formula for calculating the CO is (HR): SV x HR = Co
  • The arteries, veins, and capillaries are the great vessels
  • The arterioventricular valve consist of the Mitral and Tricuspid valves which closes during the Systole and relaxed during the Diastole
  • The Semilunar valves consist of the Aortic & Pulmonic valves that shuts during the S2
  • The Diastole is where the AV valves is open & relaxed, then high pressure in Atria then pushes blood to the ventricles
  • The diastole is characterized by the early(proto diastolic)rapid filling of the atrium, then slow passive filling to an atrial kick or the presystolic/atrial systole.
  • The systole has 2 phases: S1 and S2
  • The S1 phase is where all the 4 valves including the AV valves are closed and ventricles contracts to prevent blood regurgitation (back flow of the blood)
  • The S2 is where the Semilunar valves will shut due to low ventricular pressure but is high arterial pressure.
  • The volume of the pericardiul fluid must be 10ml-20ml only
  • if high pericardial fluid = pericardial effusion where it decreases stroke volume, lowers the diastolic pressure of the Left ventricle and pumps out less blood which may also lead to Cardiac Tamponade
  • the S3 and S4 are the extra heart sounds that can be both abnormal and normal
  • the s3 i is heard like the word "ken-tuc-key" which is abnormal for 40 years old and above and is normal for pregnant in their 3rd trimester, children, and those with high cardiac output
  • the s4 is heard like "ten-nes-see" which is normal for 40 years old abovem athletes and those who just had exercised, but is abnormal for those with acute myocardial infraction, hypertension, coronary artery disease, aortic and pulmonary stenosis or narrowing down of the aorta and pulmonary veins.
  • there are 5 points of auscultation (Aortic, Pulmonary, Erb's point, tricuspid, mitral (bicuspid))
  • The s3 is called ventricular gallop
  • The s4 is called the arterial gallop, which is more serious than the s3
  • The blood vessels are the tubular structure that carries blood through the tissues and organs
  • There are 3 layers of the blood vessels, TunicaAdventitia/Externa, Tunica media, and tunica intima
  • The Blood vessels are capable of vasoconstriction and vasodilation
  • The artery carries the oxygenated blood away from the hear
  • The capillaries are the tinniest blood vessels that drain the excess fluid and protein plasma to prevent edema where it also exchanges gasses, nutrients and fluids in the capillary exchange
  • the capillary exchange is the most exchange across the capillary wall that occurs through diffusion
  • there are 3 types of arteries, the elastic artery, muscular and arterioles
  • The fluid gained by the tissue is then removed by the lymphatics
  • the lymphatic system is a network of vessels that transports lymph where it also traps the wastes like plasma proteins, damaged red blood cells, microorganisms, foreign materials and abnormal cells
  • the right lymphatic duct drains the upper right side of the body
  • THe thoracic duct drains the rest opf the body
  • the epitrochlear nodes drains the lower arm and hand
  • The lymph from the rest of the hands and arms are drained in the axillary nodes