
Cards (137)

  • Enterobacteriaceae - Gram-Negative Non-sporeforming
  • Enterobacteriaceae - Small gram-negative rods (2-5 x 0.5 microns), which contains lipopolysaccharides in their cell envelope.
  • Most motile with peritrichous flagella • Shigella and Klebsiella are nonmotile
  • Some strains true pathogens • Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, some strains of E. col
  • Enterobacteriaceae - All ferment glucose and are oxidase negative.
  • Non–lactose-fermenting genera may be more pathogenic.
  • True or False. True -All are facultative anaerobes, permitting survival in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract
  • COMMON SEROLOGICAL PROPERTIES: O antigen K antigen H antigen
  • O antigen polysaccharide portion of LPS
  • K antigen capsular antigen
  • H antigen - flagellar antigen
  • Endotoxin, Exotoxins, Adhesins and fimbria, Intracellular growth, Antibiotic resistance, Capsule - Give the virulence factors of enterobacteriaceae
  • Exotoxins - produced by some species and strains, cause diarrhea
  • Endotoxin - a part of the LPS produced by all Enterobacteriaceae, is responsible for many of the systemic manifestations of infection.
  • Adhesins and fimbria - on some species promote adhesion to the colon, bladder, or other tissues
  • Intracellular growth - (Shigella, Salmonella and Yersinia species and Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli) protects organisms from host defenses
  • Antibiotic resistance - develops rapidly and often is encoded on plasmids, which can be transferred to related bacteria.
  • Capsule - on Klebsiella and Salmonella species is antiphagocytic
  • most Escherichia coli usually Klebsiella - WHAT ARE THE LACTOSE FERMENTERS
  • Edwardsiella, Salmonella, Shigella, Serratia, Proteus, Providencia, Yersinia - what are the LACTOSE NON-FERMENTERS
  • Arizona, Citrobacter, Enterobacter - What are those LACTOSE VARIABLE
  • ENRICHMENT LIQUID MEDIA - Extends LAG PHASE of normal flora and decreases LAG PHASE of pathogens
  • GN broth - best for Shigella
  • BLOOD AGAR - agar used in screening media
  • SCREENING MEDIA - Used primarily for Enteropathogenic E. coli for it may not grow on selective medi
  • DIFFERENTIAL MEDIA - It differentiates lactose fermenters from lactose non lactose fermenters
  • pH indicator, sugar, inhibitor of gram-positive organisms - What are the compositions of Differential Media
  • Eosin Y + Methylene Blue - what is the indicator of Eosin Methylene Blue agar
  • Neutral red - what is the indicator of MacConkey Agar for lactose fermentation
  • Sodium Citrate - It inhibits Coliforms and Proteus
  • Bile Salts and Crystal Violet - it inhibits gram positive organisms in MacConkey Agar
  • EOSIN Y + METHYLENE BLUE - it inhibits gram positive organisms in Eosin Methylene Blue Agar
  • Lactose + Sucrose - What are the sugars in Holt Harris in Eosin Methylene Blue Agar
  • Lactose - what is the sugar in Levin in Eosin Methylene Blue Agar
  • Lactose - What is the sugar content of MacConkey Agar
  • Black purple, may have metalic sheen - What is the color of Fermenters in Holt-Harris
  • Colorless - What is the color if non fermenters in Holt-Harris
  • Proteus vulgaris, Serratia - It appears as lactose fermenters in Holt-Harris for they ferment sucrose
  • Proteus vulgaris and Serratia appears colorless for it will not ferment lactose