6?44 - 6?4;
What he did:
- Stretched a sheet of gold foil in a tin can and coated the inside of the can with fluorescent paint.
- Aimed a ray of alpha radiation (+ charges) at the foil.
- Expected that the alpha rays would pass right through the metal atoms in the foil, and the fluorescent coating would light up right behind the foil.
What he observed:
- 99.9% of the time, the ray lit up the can right behind the foil.
- .1% of the time, the ray lit up the can OPPOSITE the foil. (behind the alpha source)
- This told him that the ray had hit something massive and dense in the center of the atom.
What he deduced:
A. Atoms are mostly empty space.
B. There must be a solid core in the center of the atom.
C. The core must be positively charged, since it deflected an alpha ray