
Cards (36)

  • Reality Bites
    A family-owned Filipino-Chinese fast-food chain has been in existence for more than a decade already. Upon the retirement of the family patriarch, the next generation owners decided to expand their operation.
  • Concept of Service Design
    Design is a term often related to the physical structure or model of certain products that is aimed to provide more value, better efficiency, or enhanced performance of the goods.
  • Service Innovation and Design

    The uniqueness of the tourism and hospitality industry as a service-oriented industry has made the delivery, description, and communication of its product difficult.
  • Service Innovations
    Service innovations may be of different types and they are based on strategies and solutions undertaken by firms around their services rather than product.
  • Types of Service Innovations
    • Service Provision Innovation
    • Service Innovation Around Customer
    • Innovation Through Solution
    • Service Innovation Through Interconnectivity
  • Service Provision Innovation
    There are several methods and style in this type of service innovation. This innovation is about the services offered by firms which are either new or improvements of existing services.
  • Service Innovation Around Customer
    This innovation happens when the customer's role is redefined or altered.
  • Innovation Through Solution
    Firms approach the customer needs not by the traditional offering of products, but by offering activities translating to provision of solutions.
  • Service Innovation Through Interconnectivity
    Technology > Digitization > Sensors > Interconnectivity > Technology Development
  • Blueprinting Services
    Blueprinting is an illustration on how services are rendered. It shows how a service design is implemented. It is a plan that displays the interaction between departments, or elements and activities as part of one entity. Blueprint provides a tool to dissect the different components and steps in the process, how the tasks were performed, and proof of service based on actual customer experience.
  • Steps in Blueprinting Services
    • Prepare a diagrammatic format of all the elements and processes of the service design
    • Recognize possible decision points and conflict zones or areas where there could be possible issues and concern that may arise
    • Set standards in terms of allowable adjustments acceptable from the perspective of both the customer and the organization
    • Any photos, slides, or videos of the process can be very useful as pieces of evidence that represent contact points, encounters, or interactions
    • Analyze the impact of the pieces of evidence, contact points, and interactions as regards to the effect to efficiency and profitability of the organization
  • Methods and Tools for Services Process
    • Affinity Diagram
    • Brainstorming
    • Character Profiles
    • Contextual Interview
    • User Journey Map
    • Cultural Probes
    • Documentaries
    • Empathy Probes
    • Ethnographic User Research
    • Experience Prototype
    • Focus Group
    • Immersion (Workshop)
    • Observation
    • Personas
    • Prototyping
    • Scenarios
    • Service Prototype
    • Shadowing
    • Stakeholder Map
  • Affinity Diagram
    It is an analytical tool to gather and organize information from a significant amount of mixed data sourced from researches, insights, concepts, diagrams, brainstorm ideas, and designs. This method is employed to sort and bundle information into groups or based on their relationships. Often, these connections and relationships provide deeper insights and new ideas.
  • Brainstorming
    It is a method to generate ideas from a group of people to solve a design problem. Under the direction of a facilitator, members of the group contribute ideas freely to cover as many areas as possible in search of best possible design. Rough ideas contributed by the participants are gathered and refined to determine solutions.
  • Character Profiles
    These supplement the understanding and appreciation of designers by providing patterns or trends about service users. Knowing the profile would also help in justifying the innovations and improvernents design for the clients.
  • Contextual Interview
    It refers to interview conducted in the natural environment where the service occurs. This type of interview yields highly accurate and detailed information because this method observes and probes the behavior of the service user. There is a collaborative partnership between the interviewer and the service user to understand the behavior of the user.
  • User Journey Map
    It is a diagram that uses illustrations, photographs, and/or quotes telling about the journey of the user through a service. It helps in identifying the key stages and touchpoints along the user's service experience, what parts of the service work for the user and what parts need to improve. It is a useful technique to understand the motivations of customers in relation to their wants, needs, hesitations, and concerns.
  • Cultural Probes
    These are also referred to as User Diary. It provides a way of gathering information about people and their activities and insights about the daily life of communities. Cultural probes are used when information needed from users are with minimal influence on their actions, or when the process or event being explored happens intermittently or over a long period.
  • Documentaries
    These are a tool used to provide information at the initial stages of the design process. This method is a visual representation of human emotions and expressions captured through film.
  • Empathy Probes
    These are a tool for design that considers what the users are thinking and feeling more than what they are doing and saying Empathy probes give an opportunity for the users to speak out what is in their minds. These help designers to observe the users before concentrating on the area to engage deeply.
  • Ethnographic User Research
    Is a tool used to support a deeper understanding of the design issues for service designers. Through this research tool, the designer will be able to establish what motivates the user to do something and what hinders them to not do things.
  • Experience Prototype
    It is a simulation of service to test new service ideas or design for specific physical touch points.
  • Focus Group
    It is a setting of deliberately selected people who are participants of discussion about a particular topic that intends to bring out their perceptions and feedback to design ideas.
  • Immersion (Workshop)
    Also known as emphatic research or role playing. A researcher involved himself/herself with the study by becoming part of it.
  • Observation
    It is a method that can be used to identify problems when users are interacting with product.
  • Personas
    These refer to fictional characters created as archetypes, not stereotypes, to represent types of users that avail of the services or products of companies. Personas are created to help understand the reeds, behaviors, experiences, and goals of users.
  • Prototyping Methods
    • Sketches and Diagrams
    • Storyboarding
    • Building blocks
    • Role-play
    • Physical Models
    • User-driven prototype
  • Scenarios
    These refer to the creation of a hypothetical story to visualize how user will utilize a service in order to generate design. Scenarios can either be writen or drawm with sufficient detal to anticipate and demonstrate the needs of users. These are useful in communicating and designing services where multiple interactions may occur over a period of time.
  • Service Prototype
    This is a simulation tool to test the service design throug observation of the interaction between the user and the prototype of the service set in the place, situation, and condition where the service truly exists. The objective of the test it to verify what happens when other factors interfere during the service delivery.
  • Shadowing
    The researcher acts as an observer only and does not interfere with the participant in any circumstances. In this method, the researcher goes along with the users and observes how they utilize the service or product within their natural environment. In general, researchers immerse into the lives of customers or employee/staff to observe their beharior and experiences.
  • Stakeholder Map
    It is a tool that snows a visual presentation or an organization's staff, sponsors, investors, board, partner organizations, or customers. The map reflects the level of interest and importance of the stakeholder in the organization.
  • Types of Service Setting
    Service setting is differentiated based on service participants and the level of intricacy of service involved. The first classification is concerned with whom the service setting would affect. The second way of classifying service setting is through service complexity. This type often provides service from one simple structure and it is often straightforward in nature.
  • Indications that Service Should be Redesigned
    • The volume of exchanges in communication between customer and service units is heavy
    • Growing number of customer complaints about irrelevant and unnecessary procedures
    • Exceptions are increasing
    • Proliferation of review and rechecking steps among new features or activities
  • Actions in Redesigning Service Processes
    • Review the existing service design
    • Removal of unnecessary steps
    • Eliminating the bottlenecks
    • Shifting to service design to self-service
  • More and more organizations are looking at self-service as an alternative to keeping their service process more productive and cost-efficient.
  • Physical Support - Providing assistance with activities of daily living (ADL) such as bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, transferring, eating, walking, and sleeping.