physical and tangible goods sold to consumers that are not intended for resale.
These include durable consumer goods, such as cars and washing machines, and non-durable consumer goods, such as food, drinks and sweets, that can be used only once.
business that is owned by shareholders; this company cannot sell shares to the general public and the owners are legally responsible for its debts only to the extent of the capital they invested
A business that is owned by its shareholders, run by directors and where the liability of shareholders for the debts of the company is limited.
Firms engaged in farming, fishing, oil extraction and all other industries that extract natural resources so that they can be used and processed by other firms
businesses providing information services, such as computing, web design, ICT (information and communication technologies), management consultancy and R&D (research and development, particularly in scientific fields).
the only liability - or potential loss - a shareholder has, if the company fails, is the amount invested in the company, not the total wealth of the shareholder.
jointly owned business operated by members for their mutual benefit, to produce or distribute goods or services - as in consumers' cooperatives or farmers' cooperatives.
when businesses consider the interests of society by taking responsibility for the impact of their decisions and activities on customers, employees, communities and the environment.