describe the 4 stages of attachment
1)Asocial stage-first few weeksof babies life, behaviour towards human and non humansfairly similar,but even at this stage, babies show signs that theyprefer to be with people, and a preference for thepresence of familiar peopleand prefer to be comforted by them.
2)Indiscriminate attachment-2 to 7 monthsbabies start to display moreobvious and observablesocial behaviours, showing aclear preferencefor humans> inanimate. theyrecogniseandpreferpresence of familiar people. however usually accept cuddles and comfort fromany not usually show separation ancietyorstranger anxiety
3)specific attachment- from7 months+babies start to display classic signs of attachment towardsone particular personincludinganxietytowards strangers especially when their attachment figure is absent and separation. at this point, formed specific attachment toprimary attachment figurewho offers themost interactionand responds to signals the most. this is the baby’s mother,65%
4)multiple attachment- babies start to showattachment behaviourtowardsmultiple people- which aresecondary attachments. Schaffer and Emerson found29%of children formed secondary within a month of forming primary