Implies that a disorder is abnormal if its frequency is more than two standard deviations away from the mean incidence rates represented on a normally-distributed bell curve
Failure to function adequately definition of abnormality
If a person's current mental state is preventing them from leading a 'normal' life, alongside the associated normal levels of motivation and obedience to social norms, then such individuals may be considered as abnormal
Failure to function adequately definition of abnormality
Takes into account the patient's perspective, and so the final diagnosis will be comprised of the patient's (subjective) self-reported symptoms and the psychiatrist's objective opinion
May lead to more accurate diagnoses of mental health disorders because such diagnoses are not constrained by statistical limits, as is the case with statistical infrequency
Failure to function adequately definition of abnormality
May lead to the labelling of some patients as 'strange' or 'crazy', which does little to challenge traditional negative stereotypes about mental health disorders
Not everyone with a mental health disorder requires a diagnosis, especially if they have a high quality of life and their illness has little impact upon themselves or others
The fact that mental health diagnoses based on this definition vary so significantly between different cultures has historically led to discrimination, as a mechanism for social control
Jahoda may have had an unrealistic expectation of ideal mental health, with the vast majority of people being unable to acquire, let alone maintain, all of the criteria listed
Suffers from cultural relativism as the concept of self-actualisation may be viewed differently in individualist and collectivist cultures
The patient suffers from heightened physiological arousal upon exposure to the phobic stimulus, caused by the hypothalamus triggering increased levels of activity in the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system
Avoidance behaviour is negatively reinforced (in classical conditioning terms) because it is carried out to avoid the unpleasant consequence of exposure to the phobic stimulus
This occurs when the patient remains exposed to the phobic stimulus for an extended period of time, but also experiences heightened levels of anxiety during this time
May be the cause of unreasonable responses of anxiety towards the phobic stimulus, due to the patient's incorrect perception as to what the danger posed actually is
Gilroy et al. found that the systematic desensitisation group showed a reduction in their phobia symptoms compared to the control group at both 3 and 33 months