The investigation of surface deformation is conducted to define the boundaries of the mass movement, size, level of activity, direction of movement and to determine individual moving blocks of slide
Useful for determining the deformation at the head and toe portions and sometimes along the flanks of the landslide, or to assess the possibility of future deformation
Level type tiltmeter is most conventional, capable of measuring the N-S and E-W components, magnitude of tilting and tilt directions can be determined directly from the instrument panel
One of the simplest methods to determine mass movement direction is to drive wooden stakes across a tension crack along the direction of slide movement, attach horizontal boards to the stakes, and saw through the boards
Generally installed across the main scarp, at transverse crack and transverse ridges near the toe or front portion of the slide and parallel to the suspected slide movement
By arranging a series of interconnecting extensometers from the main scarp to the toe of a complex landslide that has many moving slide blocks, the resulting data could aid in clearly delineating the individual slide blocks
Should be accurate to within 0.2mm, and the magnitude of the movement and daily rainfall data should be included to establish the relationship between the measurable movement and the precipitation rate
A way of determining the length between two points by looking a phase change that occurs as electronic energy waves, which travel from one end of a straight line to the other
A control point is established along the opposite bank on stable ground and survey stakes are positioned within the slide, changes in distance (decrease) are measured
Can be used to determine three-dimensional positioning of the slide, a GPS device can determine the size and displacement of a landslide by setting the boundary points on the GPS and determining the distance between them