Cards (17)

  • Explicit writing
    Nothing implied, straight-forward
  • Implicit writing
    Not directly stated
  • Central claim
    Equivalent to a thesis statement or a topic sentence
  • Claim of Fact
    An existence or non-existence of something
  • Claim of Policy
    Something should or should not be done
  • Claim of Value
    Whether something is moral or immoral
  • Critical Reading
    Involved understanding that texts are always developed with a specific context
  • Context
    Provides background, setting, and framework for understanding
  • Intertextuality
    Refers to connections between texts
  • Hypertextuality
    Presents information in a non-linear manner
  • Assertion
    An honest and appropriate expression of one's feelings, opinions, and needs
  • Statement of Fact
    Can be proven objectively by direct experience
  • Statement of Opinion
    Based on facts but are difficult to objectively verify because of uncertainty
  • Statement of Convention
    A way in which something is done, like traditions and norms
  • Statement of Preference
    Based on personal choice
  • Counterclaims
    Claims made to rebut a previous claim or an assertion
  • Reasoning
    Justification and advancing your understanding