21st Century

Cards (35)

  • José Garcia Villa
    was born in Manila in 1908. He attended the University of the Philippines, but he was suspended in 1929 after publishing a series of erotic poems, titled “Man-Songs,” in the Philippines Herald Magazine. That same year, he won a short story contest through the Philippines Free Press and used the prize money to travel to the United States, where he studied at the University of New Mexico.
  • The Human Brain is:
    • Divided into 2 parts
    • Each half has its own function
  • Left Brain:

  • Right Brain:

  • Poetry
    A type of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form (usually using lines and stanzas)
  • Traditional
    Forms: Epic, ode, ballad, sonnet, haiku, limerick
    Follows specific rules, Regular pattern of rhyme, rhythm, meter
  • Organic
    No rules, No regular pattern of rhythm, meter, & may/may not have rhyme  Forms: free verse, concrete poetry
  • Elements of Poetry
    Form, Line, Stanza
  • Form
    the appearance of the words on the page
  • Line
    a group of words together on one line of the poem
  • Stanza
    a group of lines arranged together
  • Rhythm
    The beat created by the sounds of the words in a poem
  • Rhythm
    can be created by meter, rhyme, alliteration and refrain.
  • Meter
    A pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
  • Meter
    occurs when the stressed and unstressed syllables of the words in a poem are arranged in a repeating pattern.
  • Meter
    -measured in “FEET” -length of a line in poetry (measured by how many feet are in it) -depends on the rhythm used
    -1 foot = 1 set of rhythm (set of stressed & unstressed syllables)
  • Iambic/Trochaic
    1 foot of poetry has 2 syllables
  • Anapestic/Dactylic
    1 foot of poetry has 3 syllables
  • Foot
    unit of meter
  • A foot can have how many syllables?
    two or three syllables.
  • Types of Poetic Measurements…
    1: Monometer
    2: Dimeter
    3: Trimeter
    4: Tetrameter
    5: Pentameter
    6: Hexameter
    7: Heptameter
    8: Octameter
  • Rhyme
    Words sound alike because they share the same ending vowel and consonant sounds.
    A word at the end of one line rhymes with a word at the end of another line
    A word inside a line rhymes with another word on the same line.
    -a.k.a imperfect rhyme, close rhyme
    -The words share EITHER the same vowel or consonant sound BUT NOT BOTH
    A rhyme scheme is a pattern of rhyme (usually end rhyme, but not always).
    Words that imitate the sound they are naming BUZZ OR sounds that imitate another sound
    Consonant sounds repeated at the beginnings of words
    If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled peppers did Peter Piper pick?
    “The silken, sad, uncertain, rustling of each purple curtain . . .”
    Similar to alliteration EXCEPT …
    The repeated consonant sounds can be anywhere in the words
    Repeated VOWEL sounds in a line or lines of poetry.
    (Often creates near rhyme.)
    “Slow the low gradual moan came in the snowing.”
  • Refrain
    entire stanza is repeated throughout a poem
    like a chorus of a song
  • poetry
    writing chosen and arranged to create a certain emotional response through meaning, sound, and rhythm