
Cards (40)

  • The word carbohydrates comes from the French word hydrate de carbone, which means "hydrates of carbon".
  • Saccharide comes from the greek word "sakcharon" meaning sugar. The Suffix ose is used to denote the name of a saccharide.
  • Sugar, starch, and cellulose are groups of carbohydrates.
  • Carbohydrates are all made up of the elements Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Carbon.
  • CO2 + H20 + energy = C6 + H12 + O6
  • The three types of carbohydrates are micro molecule mono saccharide, macro molecule disaccharide, and polysaccharide.
  • The simplest carbohydrates are the monosaccharide or the simple sugars.
  • Monosaccharide are the only sugar that can be absorbed and utilized by the body.
  • Three common examples of monosaccharides are glucose, fructose, and galactose.
  • Glucose, also known as dextrose is the most important and abundant monosaccharide in nature.
  • Glucose is found in the blood stream and provide immediate source of energy for the body cells and tissues.
  • Fructose is known as fruit sugar as it is likely to be found in fruits.
  • Fructose is the sweetest among all sugars. It could be also be found in the nectar of flowers, molasses, and honey.
  • Galactose is different from glucose and fructose in such a way that it does not occur in nature.
  • Galactose-is produced in the body, through digestion of disaccharides lactose.
  • Glucose- From the Greek word for sweet wine, grape sugar, dextrose.
  • Galactose- Greek word for milk- "galact", found as a component of lactose milk.
  • Fructose - Latin word for fruit "frutos", also known as levulose, found in fruits.
  • Disaccharides contains two monosaccharides units bound togther by a covalent bond known as glycosidic linkage
  • Sucrose is the most common and abundant disaccharide , which is composed of one molecule of each of the two monosaccharides D-glucose and D fructose.
  • Disaccharide molecular formula - C12O22H11
  • Table sugar or sucrose, is found on beets and sugarcane.
  • Maltose is also known as malt sugar while lactose is known as milk sugar.
  • Disaccharide sugars cannot be directly utilized by the body unless broken down into monosaccharides.
  • Sucrose- French word for sugar "sucrose", a disaccharide containing glucose and fructose, table sugar, cane sugar, beet sugar.
  • Lactose- Latin word for milk "lack", disaccharide found in milk containing glucose and galactose.
  • Maltose- French word for "malt"; a disaccharide  containing two unts of gluctose found in germinating grains used to make beer.
  • Carbohydrates that contains ten monosaccharides units or more are called polysaccharides.
  • starch, glycosen, and cellulose are the common polysaccharides.
  • Starch and glycogen differ in where they are stored.
  • Glycogen is the stored carbonydreates in animals
  • starch is the stored carbohydrates in plants.
  • about two thirds of the total body's glycogen is stored in the muscle and the remaining one - third is stored in the liver.
  • Polyerchandes an of two types: homopolycacchanes and heterosaccharides.
  • It is a homopolysaccharide if it is formed by the same type of monosacchardes Just in the care of starch, glycogen, and cellulose
  • starch, glycogen, and cellulare. There three polysaccharides are formed From hundreds of molecules of just one type of monosacchandes, and that is glucose, bonded togother through glycosidic linkage
  • Callulose is another important polysaccharides. It is a major component of the plants cell wall.
  • Starch - Plants store glucose as the polysaccharide starch. The cereal grains (wheat, rice, corn, oats barley) as well as tubers such potatoes are rich in starch.
  • Glycogen- This is the storage form of glucose in animals and human.
    which is analogous to the starch in plants. Glycogen is synthesized and stored mainly in the liver and the
  • The major component in the noic cell wall in plant is cellulose
    which is a linear
    Polysaccharide polymer with many glucose
    monosaccharides units.