Cards (62)

  • what do all stars begin as
    nebula (a cloud of dust and gas)
  • what are nebulae pulled together by to form

    pulled together by gravity to form a protostar
  • what does the gravitiational attraction cause to increase and what does this cause

    causes the density of a protostar to increase, causing more collisions between particles to occur, causing temp to rise enough for nuclear fusion to occur.
  • what fuses in main sequence stars to form heluim

  • why are main sequence stars stable

    because of a balance between the energy released through nuclear fusion (which tries to expand the star) and gravitational attraction (which tries to compress it)
  • what happens to stars as they begin to run out of hydrogen

    the begin to fuse heavier elements
  • what is the fusion in stars responsible for

    producing all naturally occurring elements up to iron
  • what does the life cycle of a star after the main sequence depend on
  • what happens to stars that are the same size as the sun after the main sequence
    they become red giants
  • what happens to red giants once they eventually eject their outer layer

    they become white dwarfs which cool to become black dwarfs
  • what happens to stars bigger than the sun
    they turn into red super giants
  • what happens when red super giants explode in supernova
    they form heavier elements than iron ejecting them into the universe
  • what do supernova stars leave behind
    either a neutron star or for stars with a high enough mass a black hole
  • what has produced all naturally occurring elements and distributed them through out the universe

    fusion in stars and supenovae
  • what does our solar system contain
    one star (sun)
    8 planets
    dwarf planets
    natural satellites (moons)
    artificial satellites
  • what is an orbit
    the path on which one object moves around another
  • what do planets and dwarf planets orbit

  • what do satellites orbit
    another more massive object
  • where is our solar system located

    in the milky way
  • what shape are orbits

  • why do objects travel in orbit
    due to the force of gravity between two objects
  • what direction does gravity act in an orbit and what does this cause

    acts towards the centre of the orbit, causing an acceleration which changes the velocity but not the speed of the orbiting object
  • when is the gravitational force the strongest

    the closer you are to the object
  • what does a faster orbital speed mean

    a smaller orbital radius for the object to be in a stable orbit
  • what is the effect known as red shift

    light from distant galaxies has longer wavelengths than expected
  • what does red shift

    all galaxies are moving away from us
  • what is the relationship between the speed of distant and nearer galaxies
    distant galaxies are moving away faster
  • what does galaxies moving away from us suggest
    the universe is expanding all galaxies are moving away from each other
  • what do the observations of red shift support
    the big bang theory
  • what does the big bang theory state

    that the universe was once confined to a very small area that was very hot and dense which exploded and has been expanding ever since
  • what have the observations if distant supernova since 1998 shown
    that the expansion of the universe in accelerating
  • what is the life cycle of a star determined by?
    the size of the star
  • what is the general order of the life cycle of a star about the same size as the sun?
    nebula → protostar → main sequence star → red giant → white dwarf → black dwarf
  • what is a nebula?
    a cloud of dust and gas
  • how is a protostar formed?
    the force of gravity pulls the dust and gas together to form a protostar
  • what are the fusion reactions in a protostar?
    hydrogen nuclei undergo nuclear fusion to form helium nuclei
  • why does a main sequence star enter a long stable period?

    the expanding outward pressure caused by the nuclear fusion is balanced with the inward collapsing force of gravitational attraction
  • how long is a star in the main sequence?

    several billion years
  • why does a star swell into a red giant or super giant?
    the hydrogen begins to run out and the surface cools
  • which fusion reactions occur in the red (super) giant?

    fusion of helium and other elements occur, elements heavier than iron created in the core