Would these women be representative of the general population? No: they were more health conscious (eg only 11% were smokers). If meat-eating tends to cause breast cancer but only in smokers, this study may not detect this association.
The investigators accessed health records for cancer incidence data, rather than asking the women themselves about their cancer status. Avoided the "lost-to-follow-up" problem (trouble tracking people down). Objective, uniform diagnoses.
This was a prospective study (cancer-free women were recruited then the investigators waited to see who got cancer). No issue of recall bias (accurate diet information). A retrospective design would have involved recruiting women in 2004, finding out whether they had breast cancer or not and asking what they ate 8 years ago. Faulty memories, possibly substantial recall bias.
Adjusted for years in study, age, energy intake, menopausal status BMI, physical activity, smoking status, HRT use, OCP use, parity, total fruit and vegetable intake
Advantages: Can be useful for rare exposures. Prospective studies avoid faulty memory and recall bias and because exposure always precedes disease.
Disadvantages: Confounding!! Prospective studies can require long follow-up periods, are expensive and prone to "loss-to-follow up". Recall bias can be a problem for retrospective studies.
Characteristics that differ between meat-eaters and vegetarians which may influence breast cancer risk
If it were possible to randomly allocate study subjects to meat-eating or vegetarian diets, researchers could perform a randomised controlled trial and confounding would be eliminated.
The 95% confidence interval was 1.00-1.59. This means that we can be 95% sure that women in this age range, taking this form of HRT, will be 1.0-1.59 times more likely to develop breast cancer than those not taking these drugs. We are pretty sure HRT very slightly increases the chance of breast cancer.
Disadvantage: non-compliance will lead to underestimate of effect. Significance = "Statistical significance", not "substantial" or "warranting change in behaviour".
Advantages: Least opportunity for bias and confounding
Disadvantages: Often not practical. Can be expensive and take a long time. Non-compliance to assigned group can lead to underestimates of associations.