POG (Period of gestation)/ PO (Period of) amenorrhoea/ PO pregnancy
Calculated from the first day of LMP
ACOG recommendation: Termination of pregnancy done at ≥ 41 wks (Induction of labour is done)
Obstetrical score
GTPAL system
Gravidity and parity represented by one number
Total no times a female has conceived → Past + present
Total of no of past-pregnancies which crossed period of viability (India : 28 wks)
Twins and triplets counted as 1 pregnancy
Parity represented by two numbers
First number is parity
Second number is no. of abortions : Pregnancy loss at < 20 wks (includes ectopic and molar pregnancy)
Grand multipara
4 or more previous births
2 or more previous births
GTPAL system
G : Gravida, Total no of times a female has conceived (twin considered as single conception)
T : No. of term deliveries (≥ 37 wks)
P : No. of preterm deliveries (20–36 wks + 6 days) (Not parity)
A : No. of abortion (pregnancy ending < 20 wks → ectopic, molar, abortion)
L : No. of living children at present (here twins taken as 2)
Type of pregnancy by weeks of gestation
Pre-term pregnancy < 37 wks
Early-term pregnancy 37-38 wks + 6 days
Full-term pregnancy 39-40 wks + 6 days
Late-term pregnancy 41-41 wks + 6 days
Post-term pregnancy ≥ 42 wks
Events by day after fertilization
1. Day 1- Day3:8-16celledzygote is called as Morula
2. Day4: 16 celled Morula enters uterine cavity
3. Day5: Zona pellucida lost, Blastocyst formation begins
4. Day6-10: Implantation window
5. Day11: Implantation ends (Day 25 of cycle)
EDD (Estimated Date of Delivery)
For regular cycles: Presumptive EDD (Naegele's formula) - 1st day of LMP + 9 months & 7 days
If cycle length is not 28 days: Expected EDD = Presumptive EDD + (Cycle length - 28)
For IVF cycles: For fresh cycles - Day of oocyte retrival/fertilization + 266 days, For frozen cycle with D3 transfer - Date of D3 transfer + 263 days, For frozen cycle with D5 transfer - Date of D5 transfer + 261 days
If cycles are irregular or patient is lactating/on OCP/unsure about LMP: Best method for dating pregnancy is USG using Crown-Rump Length (CRL)
Early pregnancy signs
Goodell's sign: Softening of cervix
Chadwick/Jacquemier sign: Bluish discoloration of cervix/vagina
Osiander sign: Lateral vaginal wall pulsation
Palmer's sign: Rhythmic uterine contraction
Piskacek sign: Unequal growth of uterus
Hegar sign: Softening of isthmus such that on bimanual palpation, vaginal & abdominal fingers touch each other
Height of uterus
At 12 weeks: At pubic symphysis
At 22 weeks: At the level of umbilicus
Immediately after delivery: Just below umbilicus (corresponds to 20 weeks)
24 hrs after delivery (D2 after delivery): Decreases by 1 finger breath / day
Mother feels fetal movement for the first time in that pregnancy - In primi-gravida: 18-20 weeks, In multi-gravida: 16-18 weeks
Lightening/welcome sign
At 36 weeks: Uterus at xiphisternum (mother → Respiratory discomfort), At 40 weeks: Height of uterus↓ to the level of 32 weeks (Head of fetus enter pelvis) → mother relieved of discomfort
Absolute signs of pregnancy
Fetal Heart Sounds (FHS): By Doppler at 10 weeks, stethoscope at 20 weeks
Fetal parts: Palpated or movements felt
USG evidence of pregnancy
Fetal skeleton on X-ray at 16 weeks (C/I in pregnancy)
Signs of pregnancy on USG
Double decidual sac sign and double bubble sign: Intra-uterine pregnancy
Decidua capsularis + decidua parietalis = Decidua vera (Fuse at 14-16 weeks)
Scans during pregnancy
Dating/viability scan: 6-8 weeks
Nuchal translucency scan: 11-13 weeks + 6 days
Anomaly scan/target scan: 18-20 weeks (extend till 22 weeks)
Growth scan: 32-34 weeks
Placental localization: Best time is 3rd trimester
In all pregnant females: Target or anomaly scan should be done
Fetal Echo: Only done if fetal congenital heart defect is suspected (TTTS, Rubella infection, pre-gestational DM), time → 22-24 weeks
Causes of NT ≥ 3 mm
Most common cause is Aneuploidy (Downs syndrome > Turners syndrome), Others: Trisomy 18 and 13, Congenital heart disease, Early marker for TTTS (Twin to twin transfusion syndrome)
Next step after increased NT
1. Karyotyping/FISH
2. Fetal Echo
Cystic hygroma
More generalised fluid collection with presence of septa, Better marker of aneuploidy than increased NT
Parameters used to estimate gestational age by USG
T1: Before CRL can be measure → MSD (mean sac diameter) used, CRL: Best parameter over all, Used till 11 weeks + 6 days (till CRL < 84 mm), Most accurate gestational age determined between: 7-9 weeks, CRL in mm + 42 = Gestational age in days, Smallest CRl measured: 5 mm
T2/CRL>84mm: BPD > HC
T3: Best - FL + BPD + HC, single best: FL
Estimation of fetal growth by USG
Single best USG parameter for fetal growth: AC (Abdominal circumference), Fetal kidney and cord insertion should not be visible
Estimation of weight of fetus
Best clinical formula: Johnson formula, On USG best way: Hadlock formula/Shepard formula, Single best parameter: AC
Definition: weight of the fetus ≥ 4 kgs, Risk factors: Post-term pregnancy, Diabetic mother, Male fetus, Maternal obesity, Diagnosis: Abdominal circumference ≥ 35 cm on USG, Mode of delivery: Vaginal delivery
Indications of c-section
In diabetic female if weight of fetus ≥ 4.5 kg or in non-diabetic patient if weight of fetus is ≥ 5 kgs
If patient has macrosomic baby in this pregnancy and H/O c-section: VBAC is a relative contraindication
Structures seen on TVS in early pregnancy
Gestational sac: 4 1/2-5 weeks (4 weeks + 3 days)
Yolk sac: 5 weeks
Fetal pole: 5-51/2 weeks (CRL)
Cardiac activity: 5 1/2-6 weeks (M mode)
All these structures are seen on TAS (Trans abdominal sonography) only 1 week after when it's seen on TVS (Transvaginal sonography)
True gestational sac vs Pseudo-gestational sac
In Intra uterine (IU) pregnancy: Eccentric, Grows, Yolk sac forms inside later
In ectopic pregnancy: Central, Does not grow, No yolk sac formed
Important cut-off's
MSD to measure CRL: 25 mm
CRL to get cardiac activity: 7 mm
Critical HCG titre at which gestational sac is seen on TVS: 1500 IU
Minimum value of HCG at which gestational sac is seen: 1000 IU
Important scenarios
If MSD is ≥ 25 mm and CRL cannot be measured /fetal pole not seen → missed abortion (anembryonic pregnancy loss /blighted ovum), MTP (medical abortion)
2. If MSD < 25 mm and CRL not seen → Wait and watch, Repeat USG after 1 week
3. If CRL is ≥ 7 mm and cardiac activity not seen → Missed abortion, MTP
4. If CRL is < 7 mm and cardiac activity not seen → Repeat USG after 1 week
Congenital anomalies seen on Ultrasound
Anencephaly: Earliest anomaly detected: 10 week (T1), Best time to detect: 14 weeks (T2), IOC: TVs, ↑ AFP, Best biochemical marker in NTD: Acetylcholine esterase, Shower cap sign: Brain tissue exposed
2. Spina bifida: Meningocoele: Protrusion of meninges, Meningomyelocoele: Protrution of meninges + Spinal cord
3. Duodenal atresia: On USG: Double bubble sign, Leads to polyhydramnios, Associated with Trisomy 21