Runs horizontally across the cheek and inserts into the orbicularis oris, flattens the cheek (as in whistling or blowing a trumpet), also a chewing muscle
Single sheetlike muscle that covers the anterolateral neck, originates from the connective tissue covering the chest muscles and inserts into the area around the mouth, pulls the corners of the mouth inferiorly, producing a downward sag of the mouth
Two-headed muscle, one head arises from the sternum and the other from the clavicle, when both contract together they flex the neck, if just one contracts it rotates the face toward the shoulder on the opposite side and tilts the head to its own side
Deep muscles found between the ribs, external intercostals help raise the rib cage when inhaling, internal intercostals depress the rib cage when exhaling forcibly
Paired straplike muscles, the most superficial muscles of the abdomen, main function is to flex the vertebral column, also compress the abdominal contents during defecation and childbirth, and are involved in forced breathing
Prime movers of back extension, deep muscles of the back, also provide resistance to help control bending over at the waist, go into spasms which is a common source of lower back pain
Fleshy muscles that form part of the posterior abdominal wall, acting separately they flex the spine laterally, acting together they extend the lumbar spine