Cards (10)

  • The Seventh Commandment is "You shall not steal"
  • The Commandment calls us not to get things which are not ours. And if there are things we like, we should ask permission to use or have them.
  • The Tenth Commandment is "You shall not covet your neighbors goods"
  • It focuses on the temptation to crave for something that belongs to others. lt is more on the attitude of being envious and unhappy for what others have.
  • God wants us also to live a simple lifestyle, to be resourceful and generous not only to our family but to others.
  • We have to remember that God the Father will never abandon us. He is our Greatest Provider who knows our needs. There is no reason to feel bad when we do not have the material things we want for we will always have the material things we need.
  • Drunkards- One who drinks liquor excessively.
  • Slanders-One who destroys the good name of others.
  • We can follow the Commandments by not getting what is not ours or by asking permission for the us of their things and feel happy for what they have.
  • There are a lot of temptations. There are always new gadgets. it seems to be difficult to live a fairness and justness.