Cards (12)

  • balance - the visual weight of objects, texture, colors and space is evenly distributed on the screen
  • emphasis - an area in he design appear different to attract viewer's attention
  • movement - guide the viewer's eyes around the screen
  • proportion - sense of unit, relate well with one another
  • variety - has several design elements
  • 6 basic principles of graphics and layout
    • balance
    • emphasis
    • movement
    • pattern, repetition, and rhythm
    • proportion
    • variety
  • pattern, repetition, and rhythm - are used to create a sense of order and stability in the piece
  • infographics - used to represent information in a graphical manner
  • social media platforms - allow u to create acc, groups and pages where u can share contents
  • blogging platform - allows users to publish their own content on the web
  • content management system - allows u to publish, edit, and manage content on a website
  • CMS - content management system