Paper 1 section B (yellow book)

Cards (117)

  • What is actus Reus?
    “Guilty act”
  • Does the AR have to be voluntary?
  • What is omission?
    A failure to act (not doing something)
  • What are duties created under parliament called?
    Statutory duties
  • What are duties under judges called?
    Common law duties
  • 5 types of statutory duties? (ommision)
    Contractual duites
    voluntary Creating a dangerous situation
  • Key case for contractual duties? (showing omission)
    arise through contracts of employment
    Railway crossing keeper failed to close gates.
    omission formed the AR of manslaughter
  • key case for official position duties? (showing omission)
    D was police officer and when V was beaten up
    D was guilty for failing to perform his duty while in public position
  • Key case for special relationship? (Showing omission)
    Gibbons and proctor
    farther starved 7yr daughter to death
    he had duty to feed her
  • Key case for creating a dangerous sitautumn? (Showing omission)
    D failed to take reasonable steps to deal with fire he started
    owed duty to call fire brigade
  • What happens if discontinuing to treat a patient is in their best interest?
    It is not omission so doesn’t form AR
    airedale NHS trust V Bland
  • Key case doctors and omission?
    Aridale NHS trust V bland
  • 3 parts of causation?

    no intervening act which broke the chain
  • what Test is used to determine factual causation?
    But for
  • Key cases in factual causation?
    D used gf as shield and fired at police
    she wouldn’t have died but for Ds actions. White. D was acquitted cause he tried to poison mother she already dead of heart attack
  • Is factual causation enough for criminal liability on its own?
  • key rule for legal causation?
    Ds conduct doesn’t need to be the only cause of the consequence
    Ds contribution must be more than minimal
  • Key cases for legal causation?
    foreman during work on train track failed to give adequate warning to approaching train driver
    fatal crash occoyred
    d substantially caused the death
  • Think skull rule?

    D must take V as they find them Also apples to mental conditions and beliefs
  • Key case for think skill rule crime?
    D was held responsible for vs death when the Jehovah’s Witness he stabbed refused blood transfusion
  • Intervening acts include?
    Unforeseeable act of nature
    unforeseeable act of third party
    vs own subsequent conduct
  • Intervening act victims own conduct +case?
    Was ds conduct within range of responses that could be regarded as reasonable in the circumstances
    Vs reaction to jump from the car was reasonable foreseeable when D made sexual advances towards her (not broken)
  • When will medical treatment break the chain of causation?
    If it is exceptionally bad or that it makes Ds originales acts insignificant
  • Key case to show medical treatment breaking chain of causation?
    D was stabbed
    wounds were healing but doctors gave him large amount of antibiotics which he was allergic to and died
  • What is MR?
    Guilty mind
  • Types of MR?
    strict liability
  • what is direct intent?
    result is Ds aim or purpose
  • Key case to show direct intent?
    D driven his car straight at police officer with aim of injuring him
  • What is indirect intent?
    Result isn’t ds aim or purpose yet they realise it’s virtually certain to occur
  • Key case for indirect intent?
    D threw baby across room
    argued he had thrown the baby towards the pram and had no intention to kill him
  • What is recklessness?
    To prove must show
    D is aware of a risk of the consequence happening but deliberately goes ahead anyway.
  • Key case for recklessness?
    R v Cunningham
    tore gas’s meter of wall to steal money
    gas escaped
    seeping into adjoining building
    poisoning neighbour
    D didn’t realise there was a possibility of this happening
  • what is negligence MR?
    Fails to meet standard of reasonable person
  • Key case to show negligence MR?
    anaesthetist took several minuets to notice patients breathing tube had become disconnected
  • What is Strict liability MR?
    No fault offences
  • What happens in B V DPP?
    15yr boy and 13yr girl had oral sex on bus
    he beloved she was over 14
    D was charged with committing gross indecency
    court quashed ads conviction and said MR was needed for this serious offence
  • What is transferred malice?
    D can be guilty if they intend to commit crime against A but actually commit same crime against B
  • Key case to show transferred malice?
    passerby was shot in a gang shootout which D had participated. The person who fired the shot was never caught he would have been guilty of murder under public principle of transferred mailce
    D was still guilty of the murder of the passer by under joint enterprise
  • What is a continuing act?
    an initial AR and is still on going D forms the MR
  • Key case to show Continuing act?
    accidentally drove on officers foot
    then found out and refused to move