multi store model

Cards (17)

  • Atkinson and Shiffrin developed the multistore model
  • the multi store model describes how information moves through memory system
  • the multi store model suggests memory is made up of 3 stores linked by processing information
  • multi store model
    A) short term memory
    B) maintenance rehearsal
    C) echoic
    D) attention
    E) retrieval
    F) sensory register
    G) visual
  • information from environment is filtered through the sensory register, if information is processed it will then be sent to STM
  • sensory register
    • coding - depends on what sense information is coming from (e.g. sound is closed acoustically)
    • capacity - large
    • duration - milliseconds
  • if information does receive attention from one of the sensory store senses it is then transferred to STM
  • to maintain information in STM there is maintenance rehearsal needed
  • maintenance rehearsal is repetition of info to try and remember it over and over again
  • short term memory
    • capacity - 7+/-2 items
    • coding - acoustic
    • duration - 18-30 seconds
  • if information is rehearsed enough (prolonged rehearsal) then information will transfer into LTM
  • to recall something from LTM an individual goes through retrieval (transfer back into STM)
  • long term memory
    • capacity - unlimited
    • coding - semantic
    • duration - unlimited
  • evaluation for multi store model - case study to support (HM)
    • research supporting STM + LTM being separate stores as suggested in MSM
    • case study of HM provides support - recieved operation for removal of hippocampus (cure epilepsy)
    • after surgery he couldtn create long term memories, his memory would only last duration of STM
    • overall strength of MSM is there being case study evidence to support model
    • CONTRADICTORY - case studies are idiographic meaning only focus on one individual - cannot be generalised to wide population
  • evaluation for multi store model - support for model
    • in experiment participants would read list of 20 words and were asked to recall them from memory
    • found people remember words at beginning of list (primacy effect) - individuals able to rehearse and transfer to LTM)
    • people remember words from end of list (recency effect) - words not yet been lost from STM
    • experiment provides evidence as it supports how info moves from sensory register to STM and then to LTM
  • evaluation for multi store model - other form of rehearsal for LTM
    • studies suggest may be more than one type of rehearsal for LTM
    • example - researchers found for info to transfer to LTM the type of rehearsal is important
    • maintenance rehearsal given in MSM may not be relevant for LTM because type of rehearsal only keeps information in STM not LTM
    • elaborative rehearsal could be seen as more appropriate
    • limitation to explanation because there is clear difference between elaborative and maintenance rehearsal which should have been justified
    • decreases reliability fo MSM
  • elaborative rehearsal is a type of rehearsal needed for long term storage - was never described in MSM - limiting the explanation