Lesson 4

Cards (23)

  • defined as any discarded material that is abandoned by being disposed of, burned or incinerated, recycled or considered "waste-like.“
    defined as any discarded material that is abandoned by being disposed of, burned or incinerated, recycled d
    defined as any discarded material that is abandoned by being disposed of, burned or incinerated, recycledor considered "waste-like.“
    Solid Waste
  • can physically be a solid, liquid,
    can physically be a solid, liquid, semi-solid, or container of gaseous material material
    solid waste
  • • Commercial establishments.
    • Residential houses.
    • Debris from construction and demolition.
    • Debris from roads (such as asphalt and
    scrap metal)
    • Scrap from vehicles.
    • Agriculture.
    Major Causes of Solid Waste Pollution
  • can come from industrial, commercial, mining, or agricultural operations, and from household and community activities.

    Solid waste
  • - food waste,
    - paper,
    - plastic,
    - rags,
    - metal,
    - glass.
    Major Components of solid waste
  • 1.Reduce
    3 r's of waste management
  • 1.Cut down on the waste disposals
    2. Conserve natural resources, landfill spaces, and energy.
    3. Save land and money that communities use to manage wastes.
    4. Reduce air pollution and contribute to a healthier planet.
    Importance of 3's of waste management
  • means taking measures that help cut down wastes. If we decline to buy items that we don’t need or purchase multi-purpose items, then we can help reduce the waste products that go into the trash bin.
  • means putting an item into use again or for another purpose. It is when we can use an object again or differently compared to what it is intended to do. It also means passing on things to others instead of throwing them away.
  • means to change or transform waste and non-useable items into raw materials that can be used to create new objects.
  • are all the activities and actions required to manage waste from its inception to its final disposal.
    Waste management or waste disposal
  • 1.Landfills
    3.Recovery and Recycling
    4.Plasma gasification
    6.Waste to Energy (Recover Energy)
    7.Avoidance/Waste Minimization
    Types of Waste Management
  • 1.Its Protects the environment
    2.Recycling helps you to get money
    3. Reduces all types of waste
    4. Saves the earth and
    conserves energy
    Importance of Waste Management
    • This practice is highly lucrative
    • Keeps the environment clean and fresh
    • Conserve energy
    • Reduces environmental pollution
    • Creates employment
    Advantages of waste management
  • • The process is not always cost-effective.
    • The resultant product has a short life.
    • The sites are often dangerous.
    • The practices are not done uniformly.
    Waste management can cause more problems.
    Disadvantages of Waste Management
  • are neither open dumps nor just some hole in the ground. A basic
    landfill only involves the covering of solid waste with soil.
  • important to reduce the amount of landfill gasesmethane and carbon dioxide – mixing up with the air, which can be harmful to the earth and living beings.

    • Population growth and Urbanization
    • Agriculture waste
    • Solid waste
    Causes of Landfill
    • Landfills are an excellent energy source.
    • Modern landfills are eco-friendly.
    • Keep cities and district clean.
    • Keeps hazardous waste segregated.
    • Landfills support jobs and local business
    Advantages of Landfill
    • Landfills are partially responsible for climate change.
    • Methane lights up easily.
    • Contaminate soil and waste.
    • Landfills affect wildlife.
    • Accidents can happen.
    • Landfill affect human health.

    Disadvantages of Landfill
    • Reduce Waste
    • Fast
    • Produces Energy (electricity) 

    Advantages of Burning
    • Expensive to build
    • Air pollution
    • Toxic ash remains
    • Highly opposed in US
    Disadvantages of Burning
  • commercial refuse, sludge from water supply or waste treatment plants, or air pollution control facilities, and other discarded materials.
    solid waste