
Cards (20)

  • Lenin - religion
    Opium of the people as it caused false happiness and was the tool of oppression, therefore, it was necessary for immediate eradication
  • 1918 decree

    1. Separation between the Church and state
    2. Allowed freedom of religious worship
    3. Destroyed much of the 'earthly' power of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • Actions against the Russian Orthodox Church

    • Church lands seized
    • Priests persecuted
    • Circulation of atheistic propaganda
  • State atheism
    Outlawing religion within a country to suppress religious freedom
  • Stalin
    Believed the 'new socialist man was an atheist one, free from religious constraints'
  • Direct attacks on Orthodox Church

    • Religious schools closed down
    • Forbade teaching of religious creeds
    • Physically destroyed or deconsecrated churches
    • 1929-40 Holy Day Sunday abolished
  • Criminalisation
    • 1935 anti-religious campaign
    • 1936 Constitution - publication or organisation of religious propaganda is illegal
    • Regained rights of priests voting and priests supported by voluntary donations
    • Priest victims of purges
    • Large numbers sentenced to gulags
  • Actions against Islam
    • Soviet Muslims' property and institutions were seized
    • Sharia courts abolished
    • 1935 banned pilgrimages to Mecca
    • Wearing a veil forbidden
    • Muslim priests were imprisoned and executed
  • Actions against other religions
    • Jewish schools and synagogues closed
    • Attacks on Buddhist institutions and Armenian & Georgian Churches
  • Emblems of Church and practices of religious devotion were banned and became less prominent
  • Islamic institutions seizure reduced number of mosques in USSR – internally faithful but unable to publicly practice it
  • Abolition of Sharia courts divided Islamic Church as the 'New Mosque' movement became more pro-Soviet
  • Frequency of prayers, fasts, feasts reduced
  • Stalinism in Islam faced backlash in central Asian Muslim communities where traditionalists murdered followers of Soviet injunctions
  • 1941 40,000 Christian churches and 25,000 Muslim mosques closed and converted into schools, cinemas, clubs, warehouses, museums and grain stores
  • Still strong religious beliefs despite closure of religious institutions
  • 1937 census = over 500,000 Soviets as religious believers – evidence of regime's difficulty in killing off religious belief and observance
  • 1941 only 1 in 40 churches were working as a church
  • 152 of 168 bishops killed or incarcerated
  • Jewish and Islamic culture persecuted