Cards (14)

  • Freeze frame MCU centre framing Lil Ze dissolving into Lil Dice, as on-screen graphic reads ‘the story of lil z’ adding an episodic nature to the film as we flashback and forward between the 60s, 70s, and 80s
  • Non-diegetic score ‘Hot Pants Road’ plays over the scene: giving a stylistic element to it.
  • LA, low key lighting (commonly used for villains) of Lil Dice complaining ‘they’re having fun but not me?’ a strong sense of isolation follows him into his adulthood.
    The dark low key lighting grows shakier symbolising Lil Ze's true evil.
  • Blurry, POV shot from Lil Z as he slowly creeps into the room, before cutting to a MS where he emerges from the darkness.

    Despite the pleas of the people, he shoots them dead: repeating his sinister smile and laugh juxtaposing the act of murder
  • MCU shows him exiting into the darkness, showing his true villain status.
  • LS once again depicting Lil Z smiling as he murders innocent people – psychopathic representation, the frame cuts out those he murders: focusing more on character development than the violence
  • We witness the development and ‘satisfaction of Lil Z’s thirst to kill.’
  • Rezende's slow paced editing accentuates his horrific actions, pace quickening when Lil Z shoots Goose, his quick rise in the violent world of the favelas but ultimately his loss of control of himself.
  • LA, POV shot match on action montage as Lil Z grows into a man places the audience in the direct aim of his aggression + bullets: literally positioned against him- true form of violence as his small acts of criminality turn into mass killings.

    In the final kill w/Benny, his gun is pointed in the air emphasising the evil of Lil Z as the camera is left in the LA POV shaking
  • Canted angle, trucking shots shows him, and Benny being greeted as they walk through the city of god: Benny's arm on Lil Ze's shoulder as protection to prevent him from spinning entirely out of control, Benny's arm comes back pulling Lil Z’s arm down as he attacks anyone he comes in contact with - violence surrounds him
  • Cuts to a Lil Ze eyeline match smoothly gliding over the different dealers of the favela: ‘they’re all dealer.’ highlighting the normality of the drug trade.

    CUs on their costuming of jewellery 'covered in gold' but ragged clothing reveals the impermanent 'wealth' steeped in poverty.
  • MCU two shot, Lil Ze glaring into Benny ‘when do we start. Now’ match on action as he turns his head to MCU of B, stunned by Lil Z's extremism.

    Smash cut to ECU cross cutting with LS as the shaman tells him not to 'fornicate' with the necklace.
    In a later scene, Lil Z rapes Neds girl is shortly before his demise, and in it he is wearing the necklace.

    Orange tone = stylistic shift to evil.
  • ‘by that night, almost all the rackets in the ghetto were his.’
  • This sequence employs extreme low angles and MS portraying Lil Z as bigger than the world. His evil steps outside of the poverty - caused violence.