
Cards (61)

  • Infertility
    Condition where pregnancy doesn't happen after at least a year of unprotected coitus
  • Types of infertility
    • Primary infertility
    • Secondary infertility
    • Sterility
    • Subfertility
  • Primary infertility
    There have been no previous conception at all
  • Secondary infertility

    There has been a previous viable pregnancy but the couple is unable to conceive at present
  • Sterility
    Inability to conceive because of a known condition like absence of the uterus
  • Subfertility
    Lessened ability to conceive
  • Coitus every day decreases the chances of conceiving unlike those who have coitus every other day due to sperm count
  • Age is related to subfertility
  • Previous oral contraceptive intake can cause difficulty for months after discontinuation
  • Factors that cause male subfertility
    • Problem in spermatogenesis (inadequate sperm count)
    • Inadequate production of FSH and LH in the pituitary, which stimulates the production of sperm
  • Male infertility factors
    • Obstruction in seminiferous tubules, ducts or vessels
    • Qualitative or quantitative changes in the seminal fluid preventing sperm motility
    • Development of autoimmunity, which immobilizes sperm
    • Problems in ejaculation or deposition
  • Inadequate sperm count
    The total number of sperm cell in a single ejaculation or in a milliliter of semen
  • Normal sperm count is 33 million to 46 million per mL of seminal fluid or 50 million per ejaculation
  • 50% should be motile and 30% should be in normal shape and form
  • Spermatozoa must be produced and maintained at a temperature slightly lower than body temp to be motile
    • Testes in scrotal sac away from body heat/ abdominal cavity
    • Increased temperature decreases sperm count
  • Cryptorchidism
    • Undescended testes
    • Pelvic cavity = more heat = does not promote sperm production
    • If no surgical repair until puberty or spermatic cord become twisted after surgery = decreased sperm count
  • Varicocele
    • Varicosity/ dilation of the spermatic vein
    • Dilated veins = increased temperature = slow or disrupt spermatogenesis
    • Varicocelectomy (removal of varicocele) increases the potential or chance of conception
  • Other factors that cause male subfertility
    • Trauma
    • Surgery on or near the testicles that has resulted in impaired testicular circulation
    • Endocrine imbalances, particularly of the thyroid, pancreas, or pituitary glands
    • Drug use or excessive alcohol use
    • Environmental factors, such as exposure to X-rays or radioactive substances
  • Men who are exposed to radioactive substances in their work environment should be provided with adequate protection of testes
  • Conditions associated with sperm motility
    • Mumps orchitis
    • Epididymitis
    • Hypospadias
    • Epispadias
    • Peyronie disease
    • Extreme obesity in a male
    • Erectile dysfunction
    • Premature ejaculation
  • Mumps orchitis
    • Testicular inflammation and scarring due to the mumps virus
    • Cause obstruction of pathway that occludes sperm transport
  • Epididymitis
    • Inflammation of the epididymis
    • Cause obstruction of pathway that occludes sperm transport
  • Hypospadias
    • Urethral opening on the ventral surface of the penis
    • Can cause the sperm to be deposited too far from the cervix
  • Epispadias
    • Urethral opening on the dorsal surface
    • Can cause the sperm to be deposited too far from the cervix
  • Double breasted spongioplasty
    Surgery to correct hypospadias and epispadias by lengthening the urethra
  • Peyronie disease

    • A bent penis due to thick deposition on the penis
    • Can cause sperm to be deposited too far from the sexual partner's cervix to allow optimal cervical penetration
    • Non-cancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis
    • Painful erection
  • Erectile dysfunction

    • Inability to achieve an erection
    • May be due to psychological problems and some debilitating diseases
  • Examples of debilitating diseases that can cause erectile dysfunction
    • Cerebrovascular accident
    • Parkinson's Disease
    • Use of medications that causes erectile dysfunction
  • Premature ejaculation
    • Ejaculation before penetration
    • Attributed to psychological causes
    • Adolescence may experience this until they become more experienced in sexual techniques
  • Factors that cause female subfertility
    • Limited production of FSH and LH, which interfere with ova growth
    • Anovulation (faulty or inadequate expulsion of ova)
    • Problems of ova transport through the fallopian tubes to the uterus
    • Uterine factors, such as tumors or poor endometrial development
    • Cervical and vaginal factors (that immobilizes the spermatozoa)
    • Poor nutrition, increased body weight, and lack of exercise
  • Anovulation
    Absence of ovulation or release of ova from the ovary
  • Causes of anovulation
    • Genetic abnormality as Turner's syndrome (hypogonadism)
    • Hormonal imbalance (hypothyroidism)
    • Ovarian tumors or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    • Chronic or excessive exposure to X-rays or radioactive substances
    • General ill health, poor diet, and stress
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
    Stimulate ovaries to produce excess testosterone which decreases FSH & LH leading to no ovulation
  • Poor diet leading to increased glucose and insulin can disrupt production of FSH & LH
  • Anorexia leading to decreased FSH & LH can cause no ovulation
  • Stress leading to decreased hypothalamic secretion of GnRH can decrease FSH & LH
  • PCOS - no ovulation, high testosterone
  • Thick endometrium - good implantation site
  • Infection - thick mucus, more acidic pH