PhysicalSelf - refers to our body that includes basic parts of us such as our head, neck, and organs
PhysicalSelf - is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspects of the person that can be directly observed and examined
Beauty, traditionally, was among the ultimate values along with goodness, truth, and justice.
St. Augustine - asked whether things were beautiful because it gave delight, or whether it gave delight because it was beautiful.
Plato - connected beauty to love and desire.
Aristotle - asserted that the chief forms of beauty are order, symmetry, and definiteness.
DavidHume - "Beauty is no quality in things themselves, it exist merely in the mind which contemplates them.
Francis Hutcheson - "the perception of beauty does depend on the external sense of sight alone"
Halo Effect - the tendency of people to rate attractive individuals more favorably for their personality traits or characteristics compared to those who are less attractive.
Horn Effect (Devil Effect) - give low rating to the person because of one negative attribute
Culturaltradition can either be a positive or negative influence on body image and on self-esteem.
Body Image - refers to how individuals perceived think and feel about their own body and physical appearance.
Appearance - everything about a person that others can observe, height, weight, skin color, clothes, and hairstyles.
Causes of poor body image:
Emphasis on thin ideal body
Bullying and peerpressure
Effects of Body Image:
body dissatisfaction
lowself esteem
eating disorder
extreme bodymodification
BulimiaNervosa - out-of-control eating episodes or binges followed by self-induced vomiting, excessive use of laxatives or other
Bulimia Nervosa - attempts to purge (get rid) of food HENCE staying in their desired weight
Bulimia Nervosa - binging and purging to feel good about their self and reduce anxiety
Anorexia Nervosa - the person only eats minimal amounts of food or exercises vigorously to offset food intake so body weight- sometimes drops dangerously
Anorexia Nervosa - engage in continuous food restrictions to stay thin to reduce their anxiety
Binge-eatingdisorder - individuals may binge repeatedly and find it distressing, but they do not attempt to purge the food
Various Sources of eating disorders:
biological influences: may have been inherited vulnerability
psychological factors: a person may be prone to anxiety focused on appearances or distorted body image
social: cultural pressures to be thin, social presentations
ImaginedUgliness (Psychological Disturbance); a preoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance by someone who actually looks reasonably normal
SubjectiveUgliness (came from bullying); they may do something about their imaginedugliness
any method sometimes dangerous/unguided/unhealthy
going to plastic surgeons again and again
Anxiety is a normal response to abnormal situation