The learning of arts such as architecture, dance, literature, music, painting, theatre, & sculpture
More concerned on how a person expresses his/her feelings
Explores the human conditions through the use of analytical, critical, or theoretical methods
Study of how an individual documented and processes his/her experiences particulary in connecting to others
From the latin word 'arti', which means craftsmanship, inventiveness, mastery of form, skill, it includes literature, music, paintings, photography, sculpture, etc.
From French word 'Artiste' and Spanish word 'Artista' which means performer
1. The creations of ideas: based on the artists of experience
2. The creations of the materials: artists use different materials or mediums to give form an idea
3. The creations of forms: used to explain the physical nature of the artwork
Functions of Arts
Individual function
Social function
Economic function
Political function
Historical Function
Cultural Function
Physical Function
Aesthetic Function
Purpose of Art
Create Beauty
Provide Decoration
Reveal Truth
Express Values
Commemorate Experience
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Theatre (Drama)
Installation Art
Literary Art
Centered on creative writing and other composition processes which intended to read
Includes prose and poetry (e.g., novels, short stories, sonnet, ballad, epic, and essay)
From the Greek word eisthesis which means "perception"
A branch of philosophy devoted to the study of art and beauty used during the 18th century by Alexander Baumgarten
From a German word Kraft which means "power" or "ability"
Usually employed in branches of the decorative arts or associated artistic practice
Implies the application of human skills through the use of a hand
Arts and Crafts started during the 19th century in Europe as a design reform and as a social movement motivated by the William Morris
William Morris was known for his pattern designs, particularly on fabrics, and wallpapers
From a latine phrase texere which means to brand or to construct
A branch of philosophy devoted to the study of art and beauty
The application of human skills through the use of a hand
Arts and Crafts started during the 19th century in Europe as a design reform and as a social movement motivated by William Morris
William Morris
Known for his pattern designs, particularly on fabrics, and wallpapers
Born on March 24, 1834, in Walthamstow, England
Textile Arts
Cross stitch
String art
Wood Arts
Wood carving
Metal Arts
Metal Casting
Welded sculpture
Paper or Canvas Crafts
Card making
Rubber Stamping
Plant Crafts
Corn dolly making
Floral Design
Pressed flower craft
India discovered metal casting of (spoons, forks, kawali). Their products are expensive because they are durable.
When all of the elements of art interact well in an artwork, visual harmony is attained. This is accomplished by using similar types of geometric shapes, lines or colors within a work of art to create a unified composition
A stable composition will also demonstrate the principle of variety. It is accomplished by using differing colors, lines, and shapes within an artwork to make key areas stand out. Artists can use this idea to direct a viewer's eye to a place within the art that he or she wants to emphasize.
It refers to the symmetry of opposing visual forces. It is created in a work of art when colors, forms, shapes or textures are combined harmoniously.
It is the way that an eye moves throughout a work of art. An artist creates a visual movement to drive the eye to the focal point of the artwork.
It refers to the need for an artist to create a focal point within an artwork. This artistic point is an essential part of a work of art, and the viewer's eye should drawn to that area
This principle is created when the sizes of elements in an artwork art are combined harmoniously. The artist usually tries to make all of the parts in a composition relate logically to each other to depict the human form within the proper proportion.
It refers to the use of visual pattern within a work of art. Models within an artwork are created by repeating certain colors, line or shapes in specific areas. It can also be used to form a variety of texture within a work of art.
Principles of Understanding Artistic Design and Composition
Motivated Functions of Art
Art of acting
Art for healing
Art for political change
Art for propaganda (commercialism)
Art for communication
creation of ideas
Artists are usually impressionable persons. They used their experiences as their basis in the making of dance, picture, a poem, or a play or a song. For example, a composer may write a song on the developing romance between a man and a woman, or on the pains of a broken-hearted
creation of the materials
The artist uses different materials or mediums to give form to an idea. For example, a painter uses pigments; a sculptor uses wood, metal or stone; an author uses words; and a composer who uses musical sounds to determine the notes.
creation of forms
There are diverse forms used by the artists in expressing their ideas. It is a medium of artistic expression recognized as fine art. This form is used to explain the physical nature of the artwork like in metal sculpture, an oil painting, etc.
individual function
The artists perform arts because of the passion of their respective art forms. A singer presents a concert for free because of his advocacy and the love of singing. For example, Regine Velaquez (Asia’s Songbird) is well-known for possessing extensive vocal range.
social function
Man associates with others through his art performance that arouses social consciousness. Examples of this association are the choral singing, group dancing, public art exhibits and other practices
economic function
Arts are emerging as a potent force in the economic life of people assumes an essential role as a direct and indirect contributor to state economies. Example of this is by generating economic vitality in under-performing regions through crafts, tourism, and cultural attractions.