Juvenile delinquency

Cards (51)

  • Emergence
    Begin with petty lancer
  • Exploration
    Move with shoplifting
  • Explosion
    Substantial increase in seriousness
  • Authority conflict
    Early age with stubborn behavior
  • Covert pathway
    Underhanded behavior that leads to property damage
  • Overt pathway
    Aggressive acts beginning with aggressive and physical fighting
  • Frustration aggression theory
    People who are frustrated with act aggressively
  • Socialized Delinquency
    Juvenile had membership in fraternities or groups that advocated bad things
  • Over-inhibited
    Classification of delinquency that group secretly trained to do illegal activities like marijuana cultivation
  • Occasional Delinquents
    Delinquents participate in a group, have common or similar characteristics, are "pro-social"
  • Delinquent Person
    One who repeatedly commits an act that is against the norms or mores observed by the society
  • Gang delinquents
    • They generally commit the most serious infractions
  • Juvenile Delinquency
    An anti-social act or behavior of minors
  • Juvenile Crime
    Various offenses committed by children or youths under the age of 18
  • Status Offense
    Typical status offenses range from misbehavior/misdemeanor
  • Conflagration
    At around 15, Four or more types of crimes are added
  • Socialized Delinquents
    They become delinquent as a result of their social association with people from whom they learned deviant values
  • Neurotic Delinquents
    A result of distortion in their personality and their ideas and perception of the world around them
  • Psychotic Delinquents
    Youths who tend to commit most heinous and senseless acts of violence
  • Sociopathic Delinquents
    Characterized by egocentric personality
  • Psychiatric Delinquents
    Person who become delinquent due to mental illness or serious emotional disturbance
  • Roman Law and Canon Law

    Made distinction between juveniles and adults based on the notion "age of responsibility"
  • Codification of Roman Law
    This law resulted in the "Twelve Tablets" which made it clear that children were criminally responsible for violation of law
  • House of Refuge
    Was established to housed juvenile offenders
  • Orphan Asylums
    Which housed abandoned and orphan childrens
  • Parens Patriae
    Responsibility of the courts and the state to act in behalf of the child
  • Albert K. Cohen
    Was the first man who attempted to find out the process of beginning of the Delinquent Subculture
  • Demonological Theory
    Was based on the belief of primitive people that every object and person is guided by a spirit
  • Hedonism
    Is a doctrine that pleasure is the highest good in life and that moral duty is fulfilled through the pursuit of pleasure
  • General Deterrence
    Punishment of delinquents and criminal offenders will strike fear in the hearts of other people
  • Specific Deterrence
    Punishment will strike fear in the hearts of wrongdoers, thus making them less likely to offend others again
  • Determinism
    That every act has a cause that is waiting to be discovered in the natural world
  • Retribution
    Idea that the criminals or delinquents should be punished because they deserved it
  • Lombrosian Theory
    Criminals are atavistic / having mentality of primitive people
  • Genetic Theory
    Men with extra y chromosomes are taller and have 10 to 20 percent greater tendency to break the law
  • ID
    It is the unconscious portion of personality dominated by the drive for pleasure and by inborn sexual and aggressive impulse
  • Ego
    This is the rational part of the personality it grows from the ID
  • Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Theory
    Juvenile delinquency is caused by immaturity and hyperactivity
  • Anomie Theory
    Breakdown of social norms and a condition where norms no longer control the activities of members in society
  • Differential Opportunity Theory
    Flourish in the lower classes and take particular forms so that the means for illegitimate success are no more equally distributed