Data Packet: files/data is split into smallpackets for easiercontrol than longsteam of data
Packet part:
IP address of sender
IPaddress of receiver
Actual data
Method of identifying the end of the packet
Errorchecking to ensure
Packet switching:
Data packets are sent through multiplerouters
Routers decide which router the packettake and choose the shortestpath to reach their destination
Reassembledcorrectly at the destination.
Simplex: onedirection
Half duplex: bothdirection, notsimultaneously
Full duplex: both direction, simultaneously
Lessrisk of externalinterference
More reliable (long distance)
Won't be skewed
Senddata (long distance)
Lessexpensive (less hardware require)
Serial: onebitsentatatimeon a singlewire
Faster rate
Works well (short distance)
Can be skewed
Suitable method (speed important)
Most appropriate (time-sensitive)
Expensive (require more hardware)
Parallel: manybits sent at a time on several wires
USB: half-duplex and full-duplex data transmission.
When plugged in to a computer,
The computer automaticallydetects the device.
Once recognised, the device driversoftware is loaded so the computer and the device can communicateeffectively.
If the device is new, the computer will find the devicedriversoftware that matches the device. If notfound, the computer will prompt the user to download the devicedriversoftware
Benefits USB:
Automaticallydetected, driversautomaticallyloaded
Only fit one way, preventsincorrectconnections
Industry standard
Support differenttransmission rate
No need externalpowersource
Drawbacks USB:
Maximumcablelength (5m)
Transmissionrate is less than 120 MB/sec
Parity checking
Count the number of 1s in the parity.
It can be odd or even parity.
Usually the mostsignificantbit (left most) is the parity bit (parity block, a wholebyte can be the parity byte)
Error is detected when the bitsdon't add up to the givenparity (odd, even)
Sender and receiver agree on a checksumalgorithm.
Sender uses this algorithm to calculate the checksumvalue.
Sender sends the datapacket with thechecksumvalue (stored in the trailer)
Receiver re-calculates the checksumvalue using the agreedalgorithm and comparesbothvalues.
If both values are the same, noerrordetected. If both values are not the same, errordetected.
Echo check:
Sender sendsdata to receiver.
Receiver re-sends a copy of the databack to sender.
Sender compares the original and the receiver's copy.
If bothvalues are the same, noerrordetected. If bothvalues are notthesame, errordetected.
Check Digits: are calculated from alltheotherdigits in the data (ex-codes). The check digit would be the last digit of the code.
Automatic Repeat Requests (ARQs)
Uses acknowledgements and timeouts to makesure the userreceived the data
The receiver would check the data for any errors
If none are found, a positiveacknowledgement is sent to the sender. If errors are found, a negativeacknowledgement will be sent, and the data will be sent again.
The sender uses timeouts to wait for a pre-determined amount for the acknowledgement.
If noacknowledgements are receivedafter the timeout, the data will be sentagain to the receiver.
Encryption :aprocessofturning the datainto an unreadableform so it doesn’tmakesense to hackers and otherattackers
Plaintext: theoriginaldatathatisbeingsent
Ciphertext: thetextproduced after encryption
Symmetric Encryption:
Ituses an encryption key for the encryption process
The samekey is used for encrypting and decrypting the data.
Asymmetric Encryption:
Uses a public key and a private key ( public key available to everyone, private key only available to the user)
The receiver would have the private key, and they would send the public key to the sender.
The sender can encrypt the message with the public key, and the data can be decrypted using the private key.