Biological label, "male or female" based on genital one has born with, and the chromosomes one have
Socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to society, and can be changed.
How one feel inside and how he or she expresses those feelings. Clothing, appearance and behaviors can be ways of expressing one's gender identity.
Gender Identities
A person's preference for sexual relationships with individuals of the other sex (heterosexuality), one's own sex (homosexuality), or both sexes (bisexuality)
Sexual Orientations
Whose gender expression is masculine; identified as "butch" (masculine woman)
Has feminine gender expression with high-pitched voice; identified as "queens"
A supporter of the LGBT+ community that does not identify as LGBT+
The different patterns of behavior, rights and responsibilities expected of men and women in a society
Gender Roles in the Philippines
Men as breadwinners, women as homemakers
Men's world is the harsh, heartless jungle, women's world is the home and caring for family
Gender Roles in other Cultures
Arapesh - both men and women are passive, gentle and home-loving
Mundugumor - both sexes show masculine traits, competitive, aggressive and violent
Tchambuli - men are passive, emotional and dependent, women are the economic providers
A fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people
Common Men Stereotypes
Tough and powerful
Unfeeling and insensitive
Logical, sensible and rational
Afraid to commit in a relationship and form an attachment
Primarily interested in their careers or vocations
Do not have a primary interest in marriage and parenthood
Common Women Stereotypes
Helpless and childish
Scatterbrained, unstable and irrational
Sensitive and intuitive
Easily form deep emotional attachments
Do not have a primary interest in their careers or vocations
Primarily interested in a long term relationship and parenthood
CEDAW requires states to modify or transform "harmful gender stereotypes" and "eliminate wrongful gender stereotyping"
CEDAW Obligations to eliminate stereotyping
Revising text books
Ensuring teachers receive gender training
Implementing programs to encourage girls to pursue education and employment in non-traditional fields
Undertaking public information and education programs to change attitudes concerning the roles and status of men and women
Taking measures to train public officials and the judiciary to ensure that stereotypical prejudices and values do not affect decision-making
Emphasizing through awareness raising activities the importance of women's participation in decision making roles
Adopting measures, including temporary special measures, to eliminate occupational segregation based on gender stereotypes
Adopting positive measures to expose and modify harmful genders stereotypes within the health sector
Equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities that all persons should enjoy regardless of whether one is born male or female
Gender Equity
The state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender
Gender Equality in the Workplace
Equal access to resources and opportunities
Equal economic participation and decision-making
Equal valuing of different behaviors, aspirations and needs
Gender Equality
A state of equal ease of access to resources and opportunities regardless of gender, including economic participation and decision-making, and the state of valuing different behaviors, aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender
Elements of gender equality in the workplace
Equality of opportunity and treatment in employment
Equal remuneration for work of equal value
Equal access to safe and healthy working environments and to social security
Equality in association and collective bargaining
Equality in obtaining meaningful career development
A balance between work and home life that is fair to both women and men
Equal participation in decision-making at all levels
Egalitarian Feminism
A belief that emphasizes sexual equality by insisting that men and women be treated exactly alike
Protectionist Feminism
Emphasizes the biological differences between the sexes by insisting that men and women be treated exactly alike (e.g. prenatal care, maternity leave, and child-care services)
The process of allocating resources, programs and decision making fairly to both males and females without any discrimination on the basis of sex, age, and addressing any imbalances in the benefits available to males and females
Women and men should not be only given equal access to resources and opportunities, but they should be given the means of benefiting from this equality
Benefits of GenderEquity
Treat everyone fairly involved in the organization
Improve productivity and economic performance
Men and women learn to build equal partnerships
Enhance recruitment and retention of the occupation
Women and men able to do their best work and be rewarded on merit
Encourage men and women to participate actively in the work force
An equal ratio of men and women and frequently in the news you will read stories about gender diversity in corporate boardrooms and other areas traditionally dominated by men
Gender Sensitivity
The way service providers treat male or female clients in service delivery facilities and thus affects client willingness to seek services, continue to use services, and carry out the health behaviors advocated by the services
Sexism in Language
The use of language, which devalues members of one sex, almost invariably women, and thus fosters gender inequality. It discriminates against women by rendering them invisible or trivializing them at the same time that it perpetuates notions of male supremacy
Language articulates consciousness, reflects culture, and affects socialization
Guidelines on Gender-Fair Language
Avoid attaching sexist terms when the gender is unknown
Avoid Sexism
Avoid Demeaning Words
Avoid Stereotyping
Avoid Verbal Abuse
What to do to become a non-sexist speaker and writer
Avoid using "man" to refer to a human being
Use "man" correctly
Use pronouns correctly
Avoid sexism by endings and implication
Define women by who they are, not by who their fathers are
Heterosexual - attraction to a gender different from their own (e.g. male attracted to female).
Homosexual - attraction to a gender similar to their own (e.g. male attracted to male)
Bisexual - attraction to both genders.
Transgender - people whose gender identity does not match with their biological sex assigned at birth.
Transgender - people whose sense of personal identity and gender does not match with their birth sex.
Gay - term used to describe men who have sexual relationships with other men.
Lesbian - refers to a woman who has sexual relations with another woman.