Up and down of the X-ray film in the chemical solution
Circulates rollers and also help to remain the temperature
Removes chemical
Removes moisture, drying the Xray film
Supply power to automatic film processor
Transport/ planetary roller
1inch for transportation of film / staggered or directly opposite to each other
Solar/master roller
3 inches found at the bottom of each tank of solution
Entrance roller
Serrated roller made of rubberized plastic to grip better
Acrylic plastic (plexiglass)
Stainless steel
Polyester plastic
Rubberized plastic
Phenolic resin
Phenolic rollers
Wooden has orange -brown color
1. Entrancerack - contain entrance rollers, guide shoes, and microswitch to activate replenishment system
Water controlled system/ warm water processor - uses large amount of hot water and mixing valve to regulate water temp
Heat exchanger
Thin wall stainless steel tube located at the bottom of each tank
Circulation system
Ensures complete chemistry, provides uniform temperature and provides the equivalent of agitation performed in manual processing
2. Verticaldeeprollers - transport rollers that transport film into or up out of the tank
3. Turnaroundrack - in the bottom of the tank contain master roller and guide shoes
4. Crossoverrackmoves - moves developer to fixer, fixer to wash, wash to dryer transition it contain master roller and 2 guide shoes
5. Crossover for wash - often called squeegee rack it helps to remove water
Thermostatically controlled system /cold water processor - required cold water to enter the unit uses electronic heater or heat exchanger for each tank with thermostat to regulate the system
Guide shoe marks
Improper position or springing of guide shoes in turn around assembly
Pi lines
Dirt or chemical stains on rollers (should be clean every week)
Sharp increase or decrease in optical density
Dirty or wrapped rollers which can leave sludge deposits on film
Uniform, dull, gray fog
Improper processing chemistry
Dichroic stain / curtain effect
Improper squeezing of processing chemicals from film
Pressure marks
Irregular or dirty rollers small circular patterns are produced
Yellow- brown drops on film
Oxidizer developer
Milky appearance
Unreplenished floor
Greasy appearance
Inadequate washing
Brittle appearance
Improper dryer temperature / hardener in the fixer