Part 7 - Nervous System

Cards (73)

  • Nervous System
    • The most complicated and fragile system that tells all your other systems what to do
    • Carries messages to the brain
  • Nervous System
    • Sensory - monitors internal & external environment through presence of receptors
    • Integration - interpretation of sensory information (information processing); complex (higher order) functions
    • Motor - response to information processed through stimulation of effectors (muscle contraction, glandular secretion)
  • Nervous System
    Functions as the body's master control center, coordinating all the body's conscious and unconscious responses to environmental stimuli
  • Anatomical Divisions of the Nervous System
    • Central nervous system (CNS) - Brain, Spinal cord
    • Peripheral nervous system (PNS) - All the neural tissue outside CNS, Afferent division (sensory input), Efferent division (motor output)
  • Neural Cells
    • Neurons - For processing, transfer, and storage of information
    • Neuroglia - For support, regulation & protection of neurons
  • Prefixes related to the Nervous System

    • ax/o - axon
    • dendr/o - dendrite
    • myelin/o - myelin
    • neur/o - nerve; nerve tissue
    • neuron/o - neuron
    • synapt/o - synapse
  • Prefixes related to the Brain and Nervous System
    • cerebell/o - cerebellum
    • cerebr/o - cerebrum
    • corti/o - cortex
    • encephal/o - brain
    • gli/o - glia
    • hypothalam/o - hypothalamus
    • medull/o - medulla
    • mening/e - membranes; meninges
    • mesencephal/o - midbrain
    • myel/o - spinal cord
    • pont/o - pons
    • thalam/o - thalamus
    • thec/o - sheath; covering
    • ventricul/o - ventricle
  • Prefixes related to the Nervous System
    • Ganglion/o - ganglion
    • parasympath/o - parasympathetic nervous system
    • sympath/o - sympathetic nervous system
  • Suffixes related to the Nervous System
    • -algesia - sensitivity to pain
    • -algia - pain
    • asthenia - weakness
    • esthesia - feeling; sensation
    • -lepsy - seizure
    • -mentia - thinking
    • -mnesia - memory
    • -paresis - Partial paralysis
    • -plegia - paralysis
    • -somnia - sleep
  • I - Olfactory
    II - Optic
    III - Oculomotor
    IV - Trochlear
    V - Trigeminal
    VI - Abducens
    VII - Facial
    VIII - Vestibulocochlear
    IX - Glossopharyngeal
    X - Vagus
    XI - Spinal Accessory
    XII - Hypoglossal
  • Olfactory - smell
  • Optic - vision
  • Oculomotor - movement of eye muscles
  • Trochlear - muscle of eyeball
  • Trigeminal - sensory impulses from face; controls chewing muscles
  • Abducens - controls muscle of the eyeball
  • Facial - muscle of facial expression, salivary glands, and tear glands; some impulses for taste
  • Vestibulocochlear - impulses for hearing and equilibrium; auditory or acoustic nerve
  • Glossopharyngeal - sensory impulses from tongue and pharynx
  • Vagus - supplies most organs of thorax and abdomen; controls digestive secretions
  • Spinal Accessory - controls muscles of the neck
  • Hypoglossal - muscles of the tongue
  • neur/o, neur/i - nervous system, nervous tissue, nerve
    gli/o - neuroglia
    gangli/o, ganglion/o - ganglion
    mening/o, meninge/o - meninges
    myel/o - spinal cord or bone marrow
    radicul/o - root of a spinal nerve
  • encephal/o - brain
    cerebr/o - cerebrum
    cortic/o - cerebral cortex
    cerebell/o - cerebellum
    thalam/o - thalamus
    ventricul/o - cavity, ventricle
    medull/o - medulla oblongata
    psych/o - mind
    narc/o - stupor, unconciousness
    somn/o, somn/i - sleep
  • -phasia - speech
    -lalia - speech, babble
    -lexia - reading
    -plegia - paralysis
    -paresis - partial paralysis
    -lepsy - seizure
    -phobia - persistent, irrational fear
    -mania - excited state, obsession
  • Alzheimer's Disease - form of dementia caused by atrophy of cerebral cortex
  • Amyloid - a starchlike substance of unknown composition
  • Aneurysm - a localized abnormal dilation of a blood vessel that results from weakness of the vessel wall
  • Aphasia - loss or defect in speech communication
  • Receptive aphasia - ability to understand speech
  • Expressive aphasia - ability to produce speech
  • Astrocytoma - a neurological tumor composed of astrocytes
  • Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) - sudden damage to the brain resulting from reduction of cerebral blood flow; stroke
  • Concussion - injury from a violent blow or shock
  • Contrecoup Injury - damage to the opposite side of the brain as a result of the brain hitting the skull
  • Convulsion - series of violent, involuntary muscle contractions
  • Tonic Convulsion - prolonged contraction of muscles
  • Clonic Convulsion - alternation of contraction and relaxation
  • Dementia - gradual and usually irreversible loss of intellectual function
  • Embolism - obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot or other material carried in the circulation