inclusion MT

Cards (16)

  • Inclusion
    The active intentional, ongoing engagement with diversity – in the curriculum, co-curriculum, and communities with which individuals might connect
  • Inclusion
    In ways that increase awareness, content knowledge, cognitive sophistication, and emphatic understanding of the complex ways of individuals interact within the systems and institutions
  • Inclusive Education
    It means different and diverse students learning side by side in the same classroom
  • Inclusive Education
    • It values diversity and the unique contributions each student brings to the classroom
    • Every child feels safe and has a sense of belonging
  • Importance of Inclusive Education
    • Inclusive systems provide a better-quality education for all children and are instrumental in changing discriminatory attitudes
    • It prepares students for the real world by teaching them how to work with people of all abilities
    • It helps to break down barriers between people with and without disabilities and promotes understanding and acceptance
  • Inclusive Education in the Philippines
    The 2009 Department of Education Order No. 72 defines inclusive education as the philosophy of accepting all children regardless of race, size, shape, color, ability, or disability with support from school staff, students, parents, and the community
  • Inclusive Education in the Philippines
    • 2013 Enhanced Basic Education Act refers to gifted and talented children; learners with disabilities; learners of the madrasa curriculum; indigenous peoples; and learners in difficult circumstances, such as geographical isolation, chronic illness, abuse, or displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disaster as target groups of inclusive education
  • Inclusive Education in the Philippines
    • 2019 Special Education Act defines learners with special needs as children who differ in mental characteristics, sensory ability, neuromuscular or physical characteristics, social abilities or multiple handicaps and/or have a lag in development requiring tailored school practices or special education services
    • The act includes gifted, talented, disabled, impaired and handicapped persons in need of special education and services of rehabilitation
  • SPED is part of the country's education system and is implemented through a specific program targeting both children with disabilities and gifted and talented learners, who need a systematic and deliberate process to achieve functional literacy and achieve their individual potential and capability.
  • 1997 Department Order No. 26 on Institutionalization of SPED Programs in All Schools established at least one special education center for children with special needs in all schools.
  • The 2019 Special Education Act aims literally to institutionalize inclusive education through the institutionalization of at least one special education center in each school division and three such centers in larger divisions, equipped with adequate qualified staff and administered by the principal of the regular school.
  • Indigenous People's Schools are registered within the Department of Education and mainstreamed in the national education system but benefit from some flexibility in terms of curriculum, teacher recruitment, and school calendar.
  • Madrasah Education was institutionalized in 2004 through the Standard Curriculum for Elementary and Public Schools and Private Madaris (i.e. madrasa schools), and then improved with the Refined Elementary Madrasah Curriculum in 2011 in public elementary schools with at least 15 Muslim students and in private madaris.
  • Madrasah Education is provided in public and private schools within the context of Muslim culture, customs, traditions and interests through the integration of the Arabic Language and Islamic Values Education (ALIVE) in the basic education curriculum
  • Alternative Learning System is a parallel learning system to the formal education system usually conducted in community learning centers. Established by the 2001 Governance Basic Education Act, it provides an opportunity for the out-of-school population to access and complete basic education
  • Alternative Delivery Mode are based on self-learning modules to cater for learners in difficult and different circumstances.