Cardiovascular disease

Cards (12)

  • Cardiovascular diseases
    Diseases of the heart and blood vessels
  • Cardiovascular diseases

    • They are non-communicable, meaning they cannot be passed from person to person
  • Coronary heart disease

    1. Layers of fatty material build up inside the coronary arteries
    2. Coronary arteries narrow
    3. Reduces blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle
    4. Can result in a heart attack
  • Statins
    Drugs which reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, slowing down the buildup of fatty materials in the arteries
  • Statins
    • Effective at reducing the risk of coronary heart disease
    • Can cause unwanted side effects like liver problems
  • Stent insertion

    1. Stent is a tube inserted into the coronary artery to keep it open
    2. Allows normal blood flow but does not treat underlying causes
  • Heart valve issues

    Valves do not fully open or are leaky, causing the heart to work harder
  • Mechanical heart valves

    Made of metal, can last a lifetime but increase risk of blood clots
  • Biological heart valves

    From animals, do not last as long and may need replacement, but no need for anti-clotting drugs
  • Heart failure
    Heart cannot pump enough blood around the body
  • Heart transplant

    Donated heart or heart and lungs, but limited availability and risk of rejection
  • Artificial heart

    Temporary solution, increases risk of blood clotting, not a long-term treatment for heart failure