brains are wired to connect with other people, and how part of the human brain located just above the eyes called the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
three (3) major regions of the brain:
the cortex,
the amygdala,
and the brain stem
Emotional Intelligence author, Daniel Goleman
Herbert Kelman, a Harvard psychologist, suggested that there are three (3) varieties of social influence
Chester Barnard (1983) defined leadership as the ability of a person in person in position of authority to influence others to behave in such a manner that goals are achieve
French and Raven (1960) who said that a leader may obtain power through various means and sources, such as position, giving rewards, expertise, respect, or coercion
THREE (3) BASIC AXIOMS OF LEADERSHIP by Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones (2006)