Cards (7)

  • brains are wired to connect with other people, and how part of the human brain located just above the eyes called the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
  • three (3) major regions of the brain:
    • the cortex, 

    • the amygdala,
    • and the brain stem
  • Emotional Intelligence author, Daniel Goleman
  • Herbert Kelman, a Harvard psychologist, suggested that there are three (3) varieties of social influence
  • Chester Barnard (1983) defined leadership as the ability of a person in person in position of authority to influence others to behave in such a manner that goals are achieve
  • French and Raven (1960) who said that a leader may obtain power through various means and sources, such as position, giving rewards, expertise, respect, or coercion
  • THREE (3) BASIC AXIOMS OF LEADERSHIP by Rob Goffee and Gareth Jones (2006)