how does an organisms Size relate to its surface area to volume ratio?
The larger the organism the lower the surface area to volume ratio
how does SA/v ratio affect transport of molecules
The lower the SA/V ratio the further molecules must travel to reach partsof an o organism.
Larger organisms require specialised gas exchange surfaces due to a small surface area to volume ratio, diffusion being insufficient to provide all cells with oxygen, large organisms being more active
5 features of an efficient gas exchange surface
folds for a large surface area
good blood supply for maintaining a steep diffusion gradient
moist for gasses to dissolve
thin for a short diffusion pathway
permeable for gasses to diffuse in
describe the gas exchange mechanism in a unicellular organism
simple diffusion
thin cell membrane provides short diffusion distance
describe the gas exchange mechanism in flatworms
flat structure provides a large surface area and reduces diffusion distance
simple diffusion
describe the gas exchange mechanism in earthworms
slow moving and low metabolic rate to they require little oxygen
circulatory system for the transport of oxygen
rely on external surface for gas exchange
ventilation is the movement of fresh air into a space and stale air out of a space to maintain a steep concentration gradient of oxygen and carbon dioxide
gill filaments are the main site of gas exchange in fish, they have gill lamellae which provide a large surface area and good bloody supply for gas exchange
explain inspiration in a fish
mouth opens and operculum closes
mouth floor lowers and pressure inside mouth decreases
water moves into mouth because external pressure is greater then internal pressure
explain expiration in a fish
mouth closes and operculum opens
mouth floor raises, increasing the pressure in the mouth and decreasing the volume
water is forced out of the operculum as the internal pressure is greater than the external pressure
counter current flow is where blood and water flow in opposite directions across the gill plate, maintaining a concentration gradient across the entire gill plate
how is counter current flow used to maintain a steep diffusion gradient?
water is always next to blood of a lower oxygen concentration
keeps rate of diffusion constant and enables 80% of oxygen to be absorbed
parallel flow is where blood and water flow in the same directionacross the gill plate
main features of an insects gas transport system:
spiracles - small external openings along the thorax and abdomen through which air enters and air and water leave
tracheae - large tubes supported by rings of chitin
tracheoles - smaller branches dividing off tracheae
adaptations of the insect tracheal system:
spiracles can open and close to regulate diffusion
bodily contractions speed up movement of air through spiracles
highly branched tracheoles provide a large surface area
impermeable cuticle reduces water loss by evaporation