Origins of Progressivism

Cards (19)

  • What is the time period associated with the Progressive movement?
    Era of Reform; 1890 - 1920
  • Who did the Progressives emerge from?
    Other reform groups like Populists.
  • What aspects of society were the focus of the Progressives?
    Industrialization, immigration, urbanization.
  • What problems did the Progressives have with private charities?
    Could not meet needs of industrial poor.
  • What are two unusual characteristics about the Progressive movement?
    Not really a unified movement - people didn't have the same goals or beliefs; not specific to one political party.
  • Major beliefs of the Progressives included:
    • Government should be held accountable
    • Government should lessen power of the wealthy
    • Government needs greater power to better ways of life
    • Government should be more efficient and less corrupt
  • What did Henry George feel was a major cause of poverty?
    Because speculators held land until the price went up - land wasn't being used productively - suggested taxing land.
  • Who was Henry George?
    He wrote "Progress and Poverty."
  • What prediction did Edward Bellamy make about America in the future?
    Government controlled economy.
  • Who was Edward Bellamy?
    Wrote "Looking Backward" which depicted that by 2000, the U.S. would be a Utopian society.
  • Why did Theodore Roosevelt coin the term "muckraker?" What does this refer to?
    Referred to a literal raker of muck who was so involved in his work that he didn't look up to see Heaven.
  • What did the muckrakers do?
    Writers who uncovered poverty, corruption, and poor working conditions.
  • Who were some of the most prominent muckrakers?
    Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, Upton Sinclair.
  • Why did the Socialist Party form In 1901? What were their goals?
    Sought to accomplish goals through vote; socialism is an economic and political system in which the Government controls property and income.
  • Why did the Progressives generally distance themselves from the Socialists?
    They wanted to reform the Government, not change it.
  • Who was Florence Kelley? What is accomplished through her efforts?
    Labor reform leader and former Hull House worker who became head of Chicago Investigation on Labor Conditions. in 1893, Illinois passes a law that prohibited child labor and limited women's work hours.
  • What was the Hull House?
    Offered social services to the community. The services included legal aid, an employment office, childcare, and training in crafting and domestic skills.
  • Who was Mother Jones? What were her accomplishments?
    She built a business after her husband died. The business burned in the Great Chicago Fire and her and her family lost everything. She then became a labor leader and a union organizer - she helped to found IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) in 1905.
  • What were some of the major criticisms of the Progressive movement?
    Many poor resented Progressive moves to eliminate alcohol or limit child and women's labor. Families needed money and that would effect their economic status. People also resented Government intrusion into their personal lives.