Cards (5)

  • In PLACING CLIENT IN SIM'S POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place the patient in side-lying position using only a single supporting pillow used for the head"?
    Prevents damage of nerves and blood vessel of the axilla
  • In PLACING CLIENT IN SIM'S POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Turn the patient far enough onto the abdomen so that the lower arm is extended behind the back and both knees are slightly flexed. Flex upper leg further forward than lower leg"

    Prevents damage to nerves and blood vessel in axilla. It hinders internal rotation and adduction of hip and leg
  • In PLACING CLIENT IN SIM'S POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Turns the head to one side. Be sure the spine is straight."
    Prevents flexion of the head or neck. Supports the natural curvature of the spine
  • In PLACING CLIENT IN SIM'S POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Place a folded towel under each shoulder"
    keeps the skin integrity
  • In PLACING CLIENT IN SIM'S POSITION, what is the rationale behind "Position client's feet beyond the end of the mattress or between the mattress and footboard. use trochanter roll under ankles or pillow under the legs"
    Supports lower legs on a pillow so that toes do not touch the bed