
Cards (5)

  • Research evidence - effectiveness
    Jarrett et al Compared CBT with anti-depressants aver a 10 week period in 108 patients, he found that CBT was as effective as antideppressants at the end. Holland et al found no differentce in 107 patients with a slightly different type of Anti-depressant. Suggesting that there is no evidence to suggest that CBT is a superior treatment.
  • Miller
    Conducted a similar study to jarret
    107 patients over a 10 week period using a slightly different anti-depressant. Found that there was to difference between the two difference. Suggesting that CBT offers no benefit when treating depression.
  • empowerment
    empowers clients as they develop their own coping strategies.
    it has become increasingly popular treatment in comparison to drug therapy and psychoanalysis. popular with those who don't like the deterministic principles of other approaches. become the most widely used therapy by clinical psychologist in the NHS.
  • what is rational 

    what may be irrational to a therapist, may result in the client changing their thought pattern even though they may not be rational. alloy and Abrahamson suggest that depressive realists see things for ehat they really are. the sadder but wiser effect. this is an ethical issue as it may damage an individuals self Esteem.
  • patient blame
    this therapy assumes that the client is responsible for their disorder. important situational factors may be overlooked which is contributing to their disorder, like family issues that the client is in no position to change. blaming the individual for the way the think/behave may be unhelpful, as it mat take other aspects in their life to change in order for them to feel better.