Base 10: decimal numbers

Cards (9)

  • Base 10: decimal numbers
    A system of counting and arithmetic that relies on having ten different symbols for digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
  • Counting up in base 10
    When you arrive at 9, the next number is represented by placing a 1 one place to the left and a 0 to the right, giving 10
  • Base 10 numbering system
    • The 1 represents the number of tens
    • Each column has ten times the value of the column to its right
    • Can extend the system indefinitely by adding columns to the left (hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, etc.)
  • Columns in base 10 numbering system
    • Ten thousands
    • Thousands
    • Hundreds
    • Tens
    • Units
  • Weighting
    The value of each column, found by multiplying the weighting to the right by 10
  • The first weighting (on the far right-hand side) is 1
  • Base 10 numbering system
    Also called a decimal numbering system
  • Place value systems
    • Numbering systems that use a set of digits or symbols and weighted columns
    • Not all numbering systems are place value systems (e.g. Roman numerals)
  • Arithmetic is very difficult in non-place value systems like Roman numerals