The welfare and wellness of product or service users
Components of consumer health
Health Information
Health products
Health services
Health information
Any concept, step, or advice that various sources give to aid the health status of an individual
Health products
Food, drugs, cosmetics, devices, biologicals, vaccines, in-vitro diagnostic reagents, and household/urban hazardous substances and/or a combination of and/or a derivative thereof (FDA Act, 2009)
Republic Act no. 9711 is an act strengthening and rationalizing the regulatory capacity of the bureau of food and drugs by establishing adequate testing laboratories and field offices
Health services
Programs we avail from various providers
Different kinds of consumers
Panic buying
Bargain addict
Health professionals
Individuals who are licensed to practice medicine and other allied health programs
Healthcare practitioners
Independent healthcare providers who are licensed to practice on a specific area of the body
Allied health professionals
Trained healthcare providers who practice under the supervision of a physician or healthcare practitioner
Types of healthcare facilities
Walk-in surgery center
Extended healthcare facility
Private hospital
Operated by individuals to gain profit
Voluntary hospital
Does not require profit because it is owned by a community or an organization
Government or public hospital
Run by the state and the treatment fees are subsidized
Teaching hospital
Includes a school for medical students
General hospital
Has complete medical, surgical, and maternal care facilities
Specialty hospital
Handles a particular disease or condition or deal with only one type of patient
Walk-in surgery center
Facility that offers surgery without the patient being admitted in the hospital
Extended healthcare facility
Provides treatment, nursing care, and residential services to patients, often the elderly
Health insurance
Financial agreement between an insurance company and an individual or group for the payment of healthcare
R.A. 8423, also known as the Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997, provisioned the creation of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Healthcare (PITAHC)
place where people undergo medical diagnosis, care, and treatment
Bayabas (Guava)
anti-oxidant, anti-microbial
Ampalaya (Bittermelon)
for diabetes, burns, coughs, and hemorrhoides
Bawang (Garlic)
for reducing blood cholesterol levels, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory