Ethanol Production

Cards (5)

  • Fermentation:
    C6H12O6 (aq) ————> 2C2H5OH (aq) + 2CO2(g)

    35-40 degrees - to not denature enzyme
    In anaerobic conditions (absence of O2)
  • Advantages of Fermentation:
    Economic: Low equipment costs and running costs and limited fossil fuels burnt
    Environmental: Renewable resource effectively carbon neutral

    Disadvantages of Fermentation:
    Slow batch process low yield (15%)
    Takes up large area of crops which could be used to grow crops for food this results in food prices increasing
  • Hydration of Ethene:
    CH2CH2(g) + H2O(g) === CH3CH2OH(g)

    300 degrees(heat)
    6500 kpa
    Concentrated sulphuric acid catalyst
  • Advantages of hydration of ethene:
    Economic: High yield(99%), Fast continuous process
    Environmental: Land not required to grow large amounts of crops so it can be used on food

    Non-Renewable resource, large quantity of Fossil fuels required leads to global warming
    High equipment and running costs
  • Advantages of Biofuels:
    They are effectively carbon neutral as amount of CO2 produced through photosynthesis = to amount released
    Renewable so sustainable
    Only release CO2 and H2O therefore no Sulpher impurities
    Land used to grow crops for fuels instead of food can lead to food shortages and prices rising
    Need to convert car engines to run a high concentration of ethanol
    Deforestation in order to make room for crops for fuel