
Cards (5)

  • "wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command"

    He abused his power as a leader as he is grimacing at his subjects and viewing them as inferior - theme of pride
    Caesura slows down the line showing how much the people under his reign had to suffer
  • "Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!"

    Imperative verb at the start "look" shows his arrogance and control as he commands people to admire his status
    Exclamatory sentence gives the line a harsh, boastful tone - theme of pride, power of humans
  • "nothing beside remains"
    Ironically contrasts the last line as the simple definitive statement undercuts all of Ozymandias's grand claims
    Informs us that we are all mortal and that the power of time will erode our achievements. "Nothing" is absolute allowing Ozymandias not one shred of control that he used to enjoy. - theme - power of time
  • "The lone and level sands stretch far away"

    This final line is a powerful ending to signify that nature and time will continue to undermine ozymandias's statue and power until it is forgotten - theme - power of time, power of nature
  • "sculptor"

    Shelly refers to a sculptor as the artist who created the statue, as ozymandias's legacy, poor as it is, would not be achievable without the art that the sculptor had created. Man can still survive through creativity - theme - power of humans