Valence concerns the general image of a party and its leader and is closely tied to trust voters who are in the governing party or opposition this is also known as governing competency
Unpopular leaders drag down a party’s share of votes where as a popular leader can help gain votes and succees
leadership Doesn’t affect the electoral outcome as Margret thatcher had a lower net rating than James Callaghan however her party was in power still
During the election campaign period manifestis are released from the parties and the winning party claims a mandate
Manifesto is a set of commitments produced by each party at the start of a election campaign
Mandate is the authority grnated by the people at elections of the winning party and the new elected government has the authority to carry out its election proposals contained in the manifesto
Tactical voting is where voters in general elections feel that there first choice vote is wasted as the party they are cho has no chance of winning so they may change it to a party with a better chance of winning of beating the party which the candidate dislikes
Level of turnout can influence the outcome of an election because different demographics usually demonstrate different turnout levels as younger people tend to demonstrate greater levels of disillusionment and apathy
Disillusion and apathy is where people have traits which force down the levels of turnout
Turnout is the percent age of the electorate that’s casts a vote
Factors which affect turnout is the closeness of the elevtio, chcocie between the 2 majo parties and the salient issues