Areductionisttheory that assumes a society's technologyprogresses by following its own internallogicofefficiency, while determining the development of the socialstructure and culturalvalues
Technological determinism
The belief that technology is the primary force shaping our society and culture, rather than simply being a tool that we use to achieveourgoals
Why technological determinism is a problem
Lackofconsideration of the factors involved at the societal, organizational, individual, and culturallevel
UnderstandingMedia, TheExtensionsofMan

A book by MarshallMcLuhan discussing the concept of technological determinism and its impact on society, particularly focusing on how different forms of media shape human perception and behavior
MarshallMcLuhan's book "UnderstandingMedia, TheExtensionsofMan" was published

KarlMarx critiques technological determinism, arguing that it removes human responsibility for technology, creates a positive view of human nature, and ignores other major drivers such as religion</b>
KarlMarx argues that people in society don'tactuallyunderstandtechnologicaldeterminism, but instead trusttheexperts of technology to lead us
The term "technologicaldeterminism" was coined by one of its mosttrenchantcritics, RaymondWilliams
Technological determinism persists in the actions taken and justifications given by many actors, in analysts' use of it to make sense of the introductionoftechnology in a variety of social settings, and in manifold theoretical and abstract accounts of the relationship between the technical and the social
Technological determinism is predominantly employed as a critic's term, used to dismisscertainclasses of theoretical and empirical claims, but can also be understood more productively as referringtoclaims that place a greater emphasis on the autonomous and social-shapingtendenciesoftechnology
Topics related to technological determinism
Digital Commons
Nerds and Geeks
Hackers end debates over the meaning of technological determinism while recognising that at any one moment we are all always determined by technology