During World War I, a trench and fortification line where opposing forces had set up their fortifications, the main theater of World War I
Theodore Herzl
Journalist from Austria, his founding of the Zionist movement made him significant, Jewish heritage
Balfour Declaration
The foreign secretary of Britain released an announcement supporting the creation of the Jewish national home in Palestine, Arab residents of Palestine and Jewish settlers clashed as a result
Social group created by Vladimir Lenin that is radical Marxist, during the Russian Revolution, the Bolsheviks took control under Lenin's direction, known for being "meaningless"
Vladimir Lenin
The Bolshevik Party's leader, because he lived in captivity and later returned to Russia to lead the Bolsheviks to victory, he prevailed in the Civil War as well
Woodrow Wilson
The US President, he held a prominent position in the Paris Peace Meeting, he failed to convince Congress of the United States of America to approve the Treaty of Versailles
Fourteen Points
A peace initiative that President Woodrow Wilson submitted to Congress, it demanded the withdrawal of German-occupied territory, it elevated Woodrow to the position of moral leader among the Allies in the final year of World War I
League of Nations
Founded in 1919, this worldwide organization boosted global collaboration and peace, but was undermined by the United States' rejection, Germany, Italy, and Japan were unable to halt their aggression as a result
Treaty of Versailles
The post-World War I pact that the United States, France, Great Britain, and various other member nations enforced on Germany, it required Germany to disband its armed forces and cede some territory to Poland, a lot of Germans held this against them
New economic policy
Declaration of Vladimir Lenin's policy, it aided in the Soviet economy's recovery, it gave peasants the ability to own land
Sun Yat-sen
Kuomintang founder and leader, a Chinese nationalist rebel, his endeavor to establish a liberal democratic political movement in China made him significant, he was a well-known elected official
Party for nationalist politics established by Sun Yat-sen, Chiang Kai-shek made the movement more and more autocratic, it was established in 1912
Chiang Kai-Shek
Chinese leader in the armed forces and politics, he appointed Sun Yat-sen as Guomindang's leader, he oversaw Taiwan's Chinese nationalist administration
Mandate system
Distribution of former Ottoman and German territories to the winning nations following World War I, it was managed by the League of Nations, it was a solution based on agreement
The founder of contemporary Turkey, he was a president, he made a name for himself during the First World War by valiantly defending Gallipoli
A transformation involving poetry and art, because World War I was killing people and making people forget about art, this movement was crucial, it was formed in Zurich
Indian National Congress
A shift advocating for increased Indian participation in the government, it increased the number of demonstrations for human rights, Hindus created this assembly
The state is situated in northeastern India, it was the initial region to be occupied by the British, Bangladesh divides Bengal
All-India Muslim League
Association to safeguard Muslim Indians' interests, it made it possible to communicate with the Indian National Congress, Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the leader of this
Mohandas K. Gandhi
He was a non-violence who guided India to freedom, he was the Indian National Congress's leader, in England he practiced law
African National Congress
A group that works to provide Africans their rights, because it would alter the lives of African people, this was significant, there was a prohibition on this congress
Haile Selassie
Signifying the freedom of Africa, because he defended his country, he is significant, he was deposed as Ethiopia's ruler
Joseph Stalin
The Soviet Party's leader, his utilization of the Five-Year Plan to increase industrial productivity made him significant, he had a childhood case of smallpox
Five years plan
Plans that were implemented in the USSR, they helped the Soviet Union expand and innovate, the Five-Year Plans created new jobs for farmers
Benito Mussolini
Head of an Italian party, he played a significant role in Italy's victory against Ethiopia in the war, he was Italy's prime minister
Fascist Party
Italian political party founded, it aided Benito in establishing authoritarianism in Italy, this was a part of World War I
Adolf hitler
Hitler cherished Germany as his own, because Hitler oversaw the Nazis and started World War II, he was significant, hatred for Adolf Hitler still exists today
German political party with anti-war and racist views, they supported Hitler's dictatorship, there is still hatred for the Nazis today
Mao Zedong
Headed the Chinese group, he played a significant role in leading his team to triumph against the Guomindang, he was a wealthy farmer's son
Long March
Six thousand kilometers from southeast to northwest across China, the survivors formed an alliance and vanquished the Guomindang, this expedition demonstrated why Mao Zedong was the leader
Region of Japan, it was the site of the atomic bombs that brought an end to World War II, ninety percent of individuals were killed in the explosion
Camp Nazi, this was crucial as the camp claimed many lives, 12,000 people are slain every day
Nazi-led organization, under this scheme, the Nazis would murder anyone they deemed disagreeable, the primary cause of the public's hatred for Hitler and the Nazis was the Holocaust
Iron Curtain
American West & Soviet East at war, military competition arose throughout the Cold War, this cold war was referred to as the "iron curtain"
Cold War
What distinguishes capitalism from communism, this determined the global ideology, it was the Soviet Union that brought an end to the Cold War
North AtlanticTreaty Organization
Western European and American military alliance opposing the Soviet Union, this demonstrated how individuals were forming alliances during the conflict, in 1949, this partnership took place
Warsaw Pact
NATO is opposed by the former Soviet Union along with Eastern Europe working together, this demonstrated how antagonistic Eastern and Western Europe were to one another, that this pact was signed in 1955
United Nations
notion of international harmony, this took the place of the League of Nations, there was a war going on and they wanted world peace
World Bank
Unique organization that provides loans to nations, this was done to improve commerce and the economy, the World Bank for Development and Reconstruction was this organization's original name
Marshall Plan
Post-World War II Western Europe Repair Program, given that the war had left all of the western continent destroyed, this was significant, twenty billion dollars were spent on repairing western Europe