Cold War

Cards (312)

  • The Cold War (Restructuring the Postwar World) 
    • A War of Ideology and Political Influence Emerged After World War II: 1945-1991
    • The Cold War: The United States vs. The Soviet Union
  • Economy:
    -The United States: Capitalism
    * Private ownership of industry.
    * Freedom of competition.
    * Creates different economic.
       classes and a laissez-faire
    * Goal: Profit.
  • Economy:
    • Soviet Union/USSR
    * Government ownership of industry.
    * Created as a reaction to capitalism
       by Marx.
    * Goal: To bring economic equality
       to people with the vision of a 
       classless society.
  • Proxy War
    A war instigated by a major power that does not itself become involved (ie. the U.S. and USSR fighting through Korea and Vietnam)
  • Iron Curtain
    an imagery border between the West and East, using Eastern Europe as satellite nations as protection from attack
  • Containment
    the containing of the spread of communism and the Soviet influence (anti-communism)
  • Truman Doctrine
    The United States would give aid to support countries that reject communism (went with the policy of containment)
  • Marshall Plan
    The United States gave billions of dollars to help rebuild out allies in Western Europe (and Yugoslavia) to rebuild their industries after World War 2
  • The Cold War
    the state of tension without actual fighting between the US and the Soviet Union

    Soviets defy the Yalta agreement of free election and promoted Totalitarianism in Eastern Europe -->

    New World Order
    -> desired for world influence and domination
    -> there were competition over influence in the 3rd World (developing countries)
    -> ie. Vietnam, Korea, Cuba

    Competitionbetween the United States and the USSR
    -> Capitalism vs. Communism
    -> Democracy vs. Totalitarianism

    Space Raceto develop technology to increase arsenal of missiles and nuclear weapons

    Atomic Bombsbuild of atomic and hydrogen bombs due to competition

    Division of Germany and Korea
    -> Berlin Blockade and wall split Germany
    -> Proxy War split Korea
  • NATO
    NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    - this alliance became the military arm of the UN; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country
    (created by Western European nations)
  • Warsaw Pact
    (in response to NATO)
    *an alliance with Eastern European countries; they committed to defending each other in the even that a nation from NATO were to attack
  • Brinkmanship
    The policy of demonstrating willingness to engage in a war to protect national interests

    President Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons to force the USSR to back down
  • Mao Zedong
    Communist leader of China
    promoted communism, land reform, Chinese nationalism, and independence
    *established the People's Republic of China in mainland China
    - imperialism: conquered Tibet and Mongolia
  • Jiang Jieshi
    Nationalist leader of China
    -> promoted capitalism and "democracy" (he was really just a dictator though) to gain support from the United States
    *established the Republic of Taiwan and developed industry and expanded trade with the West
  • The Red Guard
    a socialist youth group that led the Cultural Revolution and supported Mao Zedong's policies
  • 38th Parallel
    Dividing line between North and South Korea, split after the Korean War
  • Douglas MacArthur
    -> led peacekeeping forces of the United Nations in the Korean War, and drove Communist (North) Korea back
  • Ho Chi Minh
    Leader of the North Vietnamese Indochinese Communist Party, who gained widespread support by the peasants after World War II
    - was a Vietnamese nationalist
    - supported land redistribution
  • Domino Theory
    The belief that if a nation within Europe or Asia continued to be communist, nations of that continent will continue to follow communism, like dominos
  • Ngo Dinh Diem
    A (puppet) anti-communist leader supported by France and the United States
    - originally, his South Vietnamese are was a colony of France prior to World War II
  • Vietcong
    A group of Communist guerrillas who, with the help of North Vietnam, fought against the South Vietnamese government in the Vietnam War (a part of the Tet Offensive)
  • Vietnamization
    Called for phrases of withdrawal of U.S. troops
    - the U.S. would teach South Vietnamese troops and give them equipment to fight against the North on their own
    ** it did not work though; Ho Chi and his forces were ablet to overrun the South once the U.S. troops left
  • The Third World
    Also known as developing nations
    - nations outside the capitalist industrial nations of the first world and the industrialized communist nations of the second world
    - generally less economically powerful
  • Nonaligned Nations

    the independent countries that remained neutral in the Cold War competition between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Dwight D. Eisenhower
    - American General who became president of the United States during the 1950s
    - he supported the Truman Doctrine and increased military spending to build more nuclear weapons
  • John F. Kennedy
    U.S. President during the 1960s
    He increased spending in the Space Race after the U-2 plane incident
    - he almost had a nuclear conflict after the Cuban Missile Crisis
    - he continued to send U.S. troops to Vietnam
  • Fidel Castro
    -> Led a communist revolution that overthrew Batista (former anti-communist dictator)
    -> Formed a relationship with the USSR, and complied to building missile launching sites in Cuba
  • Richard Nixon
    President of the U.S. in the 1970s
    *created Vietnamization by withdrawing troops from the Vietnam War
    -> opened up trade to China
    -> created SALT: limited the competition for nuclear arms
  • Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
    An Iranian religious leader and politician
    - leader of the Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi
    - Khomeini became the country's Supreme Leader (the highest ranking political and religious authority) until his death.
  • What was the United State's belief in economy, political, society, and its values?
    Capitalism: promoted private ownership of industry
    *freedom of competition --> different economic classes
    * a laissez-faire (hands-off) government
    *the goal of the economy was to earn profit (MAKE MONEY!)

    *democratic (government is determined by the people)
    2 forms of . . .
    1) Representative (Republic)
    2) Direct Democracy

    *freedom (of the press, speech, and religion)
    *The Bill of Rights*

    *people should do things on their own
    *promotes competition (to be the best)
  • What was the Soviet Union's belief in economy, political, society, and its values?
    Socialism: government ownership of industries (Marxism)
    *the goal of socialism is to bring economic equality to people and a classless society

    Totalitarians: government is run by one or few with total control over all areas of people's lives
    * no freedom of press or speech

    * equality; basic needs being met by the state
    (ie. housing, education, and jobs)

    *stresses the need for people to do things together to benefit the whole
    "All for one, one for all."
  • What was the Yalta Conference (during WW2)?
    Winston Churchill (Britain), Franklin D. Roosevelt (U.S.), and Joseph Stalin (USSR) all meet together (February 1945) to discuss the plan for post-war peace, and how the territories of the Axis Powers would be divided.

    Churchill and Roosevelt promoted democracy, but Stalin promoted communism and totalitarianism, however he still agreed with democracy for the nations. He later asked to take over some nations in Eastern Europe with the intent to "protect them from possible invasions from the west after the war."

    He soon broke his promise and established communist societies within the nations. This created tension with the USSR and U.S.
  • What was the UN?
    * a peacekeeping organization (made in June 1945), with a security council of the United States, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, France, and China
  • What was the Marshall Plan?
    The United States gave billions of dollars to help rebuild out allies in Western Europe (and Yugoslavia) to rebuild their industries after World War 2
  • After the World War 2, what was the United States's foreign policy?
    *the containing of the spread of communism and the Soviet influence (anti-communism)
    this was thepolicy of containment

    NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization
    - this alliance became the military arm of the UN; an alliance made to defend one another if they were attacked by any other country
    (created by Western European nations)

    SEATO: Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
    - military alliance with Asia

    Included the Marshall Plan, Truman Doctrine, and Brinkmanship
  • What was the Truman Doctrine?

    The United States would give aid to support countries that reject communism (went with the policy of containment)
  • What was Brinkmanship?
    The policy of demonstrating willingness to engage in a war to protect national interests

    President Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons to force the USSR to back down
  • After the World War 2, what was the Soviet Union's foreign policy?
    created theIron curtain: an imagery border between the West and East, using Eastern Europe as satellite nations as protection from attack
    puppet totalitarian: governments in different countries of Eastern Europe that answered to the Soviet Union

    Through socialism/totalitarianisms, they used Eastern Europe industries and resources to rebuild the industry of the USSR and the supported countries that spread communism

    Stalin was seen as the "Leader of the Communist Revolution"
  • What was the Warsaw Pact?
    (in response to NATO)
    *an alliance with Eastern European countries; they committed to defending each other in the even that a nation from NATO were to attack
  • What did the Soviet Union do in response to the United States brinkmanship?
    the Soviet Union started to develop nuclear weapons to compete with the United States (this became a Nuclear Arms Race)