jesus the miracle worker- stories

Cards (13)

  • Jesus
    Miracle worker
  • Jesus heals the man with Leprosy
    1. Jesus came from mountainside
    2. Leper knelt before him
    3. "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean" - leper
    4. Jesus: touched him. "I am willing."
    5. Jesus: "show yourself to the priest. offer gifts Moses commanded as a testimony to them.
  • The leper showed he had great faith in Jesus' ability
  • Example of messianic secret - "do not tell anyone"
  • Roman Officers servant faith of the centurion
    1. Centurion came to Jesus asking for help
    2. Centurion: "Lord i do not deserve to have you under my roof. Only say the word and my servant shall be healed."
    3. Jesus: "Truly I tell you. I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith. Many will come from east and west, will taker their places at feast Abraham, Isaac Jacob will be thrown outside into darkness, with weeping and gnashing of teeth"
  • The main theme was universalism - for both Jews and Gentiles
  • The Jews believed they were God's chosen people
  • The centurion knew Jesus had greater authority
  • Jesus forgives and heals a paralyzed man
    1. Jesus come to his home town (Nazareth) on a boat
    2. Paralyzed man brought to him, lying on a mat
    3. Jesus: "Take heart, son; your sins are forgiven"
    4. Teachers of the law: "This fellow is blaspheming!"
    5. Jesus: "why do you entertain evil thoughts? which is easier to say: 'Yours sins are forgiven' or 'Get up and walk?' The son of Man has authority to forgive sins"
    6. Jesus: "Get up, take your mat and go home."
  • Son of Man is a safe title for Jesus to use
  • Jesus raises a dead girl and heals sick woman
    1. Synagogue leader came to Jesus: "My daughter has just died. Put your hand on her, and she will live!"
    2. Woman bleeding for 12 years touched edge of his cloak
    3. Woman: "If I only touch his clock, I will be healed."
    4. Jesus: "Take heart daughter, your faith has healed you!"
    5. Jesus entered synagogue leaders house and they were playing pipes
    6. Jesus: "Go away The girl is not dead but asleep!" and they laughed at jesus
    7. Jesus took the girl by the hand and she got up.
  • A man with a paralysed hand
    1. Jesus went into their synagogue
    2. Man with a shriveled hand was there
    3. Pharisees: "Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?"
    4. Jesus: "If a sheep falls into a pit, will you not take hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuble is a person than a sheep?" (lawful to heal)
    5. Jesus: "Stretch out your hand" - hand was restored
  • Miracle
    An extraordinary event that goes against nature, cannot be explained by science that Christians believe is caused by God