Spartacist uprising, January1919. Ebert orders paramilitary Freikorps to crush rebellion. Leaders Rosa Luxembourg and KarlLiebknecht killed.
How many political assassinations occurred between 1919 and 1922?
How many of these were committed by the right?
How many of these were committed by the left?
Evidence the judiciary is biased to the right?
Of 350 political murders committed by the right, 326 went unpunished.
Of 20 political murders committed by the left, 4 are unpunished.
Kapp putsch, 1920. Occurred when the Freikorps ordered to dispand due to versailles. Group seize Berlin for several days, and the govt move to Stuttgart. Putsch unable to gain support from public or elite. Ebert works with unions to cut off supplies by striking in Berlin.
The 1919 election saw a majority for pro Weimar parties, however by 1920 the election showed their support was at 45%
Weimar was operated differently than intended through the use of article 48. In 1932 Hindenburg used article 48 66 times to override the Reichstag.
Constitutional issues with the Weimar republic
The president could dismiss and appoint the chancellor and dissolve the Reichstag.
Article 48 could easily be used to effectively rule by decree
PR means that extremist parties are given a voice and can easily gain representation within the Reichstag.
How many governments were there between 1919 and 1930?
15 separate governments. Allows Hitler to call Weimar democracy 'decadent'
Percentage voting for pro weimar parties in the golden years 1928?
How many million voted for anti Weimar parties in 1928? How many million in 1930?