Biology Paper 1

Cards (104)

  • What is Osmosis?
    Movement of water particles from a high water concentration to a low water concentration through a semi permeable membrane
  • Define prokaryotic
    A smaller cell that does not have a nucleus, the DNA is loose in the cytoplasm or in plasmids
  • Active Transport

    Movement of particles from a low concentration to high concentration against a concentration gradient
  • Diffusion
    Movement of particles high to low concentration down a gradient
  • Define eukaryotic
    A larger cell with a nucleus containing DNA
  • Stem Cell
    An undifferentiated cell that can differentiate into other types of cells
  • Define Resolution
    How well we can distinguish between 2 seperate points that are close together
  • How is a sperm cell adapted?
    It has a long tail to help it swim to the egg. It contains lots of mitochondria to provide energy
  • How are nerve cells adapted?
    It carries electrical signals to parts of the body. The cells are long and have branched connections at their ends to form a network through the body
  • How are root hair cells adapted?
    On the surface of plant roots which grow into long hairs. This gives the plant a large surface area for absorbing water and mineral ions
  • How are muscle cells adapted?
    They contract quickly, these cells are long and contain lots of mitochondria for energy needed for contraction
  • How are Phloem and Xylem cells adapted?
    They transport substances such as food or water and mineral ions to plants
  • Define Mitosis
    A type of cell division used for growth and repair of tissues. Also used to form embryos
  • Define Differentiation
    The process by which cells become specialised to perform their function
  • Define Magnification
    How much bigger an image is compared to real life
    Equation : actual size = image/ magnification
  • What is the method for the Microscope practical?

    Put a drop of the specimen on a microscope slide
    Add a drop of water in the middle of a clean slide
    Cut up an onion and seperate it out into the layers. Use tweezers to peel off the epidermal tissue from the bottom of one of the layers
    Using the tweezers place the epidermal tissue into the water on the slide
    Add a drop of iodine solution stain to highlight objects in the cell
    Place a cover slip on top,stand the cover slip upright to the water droplet CAREFULLY to prevent air bubbles
  • How do you set up a light microscope?
    Clip the prepared slide onto the stage
    Select the lowest power objective lens
    Use the coarse focus wheel and to move the stage up to just below the objective lens
    Look down on the eyepiece. Use the coarse wheel to move the stage downwards till image is roughly in focus
    Adjust the focus with fine focus wheel until there is a clear image of what’s on the slide
    If slide needs to be seen in greater magnification, change to the high power objective lens
  • What do white blood cells do?
    Ingest pathogens and produce antibodies
  • What is the use of the epidermal tissue?
    Covers the whole plant
  • What does palisade mesophyll tissue do?
    It is the place where most photosynthesis takes place
  • What is the spongy mesophyll tissues function?

    Has big air spaces to allow gases to diffuse in and out of cells
  • What is the function of the Xylem and Phloem?
    Transports water, mineral ions and dissolved sugars around the plant
  • What is the function of the Meristem Tissue?

    Is able to differentiate into lots of different types of plant cell, letting everything grow
  • What does the Phloem do?
    It transports dissolved sugard made in the leaves for immediate use or for storage
    Its made out of elongated living cells with small pores in end walls to let cell sap flow
  • What does the Xylem do?
    Transport water and minerals from roots to leaves
    Its made out of dead cells joined end to end with no end walls and are strengthened with a material called lignin
  • What is the function of Red Blood Cells?
    What is their shape?
    Their job is to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells in the body
    Their shape is bioncave disc to give a large surface area for absorbing oxygen
    They have no nucleus so there’s more space for oxygen to be carried
  • What is a communicable disease?
    A disease that is spread between people and is caused by a pathogen
  • What is a non communicable disease?
    A disease that can’t be spread and is not caused by a pathogen
  • Define health
    State of physical and mental wellbeing
  • How do you test for sugars?
    Add a few drops of Benedict’s solution
    Heat a water bath at 75 degrees for 5 mins
    If it stays blue, no sugar if present
    If it turns red there is a low concentration of sugar
    If it turns green there is a high concentration of sugar
  • What are the enzymes and what do they break down and produce?
    Amylase breaks starch into glucose
    Lipase breaks down lipids into fatty acids and glycerol
    Protease breaks down proteins into amino acids
  • How to test for proteins?
    Add a few drops of Biuret solution
    If the solution stays blue no protein is present
    If it turns purple/ lilac protein is present
  • How to test for lipids ( fats)?
    Add a few drops of ethanol to the sample
    If no lipids are present it will remain colourless
    If a white cloudy emulsion forms then lipids are present
  • What are the organs in size from smallest to biggest?
    Organ system
  • What is a cell?
    Basic building block of all organisms
  • What is a tissue?
    A group of similar cells working together to perform a specific function
  • What is an organ?

    A group of different tissues that work together to perform a specific function in the body.
  • What is an Organ System?
    A group of organs working together
  • What is a risk factor and which risk factors can cause disease?

    Things that are linked to an increase in a likelihood that a person will develop a certain disease in their lifetime
    Drinking and smoking
  • What are the 2 types of cancer?
    Benign - tumour grows until theres no more room and isn’t cancerous
    Malignant - tumour spreads across healthy tissues and is fatal