Ovaries –pair of almond-shaped glands located in the pelvic cavity, one on each side of the uterus. Each ovary has thousands of vesicles or follicles and each of which contains an immature ovum.
The mammary (MAM-mer-ee) glands, commonly called breasts, are milkproducing glands that serve as accessory organs of reproduction
Menses (MEN-sez)- also called menstruation (MEN-stroo-AY-shun) this cycle refers to the secretion of hormones and other physiologic changes that occur cyclically in women, usually every 28 days or so.
Menarche (muh-NAR kee)-first menstrual period, usually occurs at age 12 or 13.
Menopause (MEH-по- PAWZ)-the cessation of menses reminder of a woman's lifetime
Climacteric (klih-MACK-ter-ick)- refers to the period of time in which irregular menses appear
ANTEVERSION- tilting forward of the organ(the uterus from its usual position)
Candidiasis- infection, usually of the vigina, by a species of Candida (a fungus), resulting in itching and white discharge; also called moniliasis or yeast infection.
Cervicitis- inflammation of the cervix, usually due to infection.
Chlamydia- infection, usually of the vigina and cervix, by Chlamydia Trachomatis; one of the several common STD
Dysmenorrhea - pain associated with menstruation
Endometriosis- growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus
Fibrocystic Breast Disease- the presence of one or more fibrous cyst in the breast.
Galactocele- cyst caused by blockage of a milk duct in the breast
Genital Wart- soft growth ( wart) occuring inthe areas of the vagina and anus; caused by sexually transmitted virus; also called condyloma acuminatum
Gonorrhea- infection, usually in the cervix by Neisseria gonorrhoeae resulting pain and a viginal or cervical discharge; common STD
HerpesGenetalis- infection of the skin and mucuos membrane of the genitals by herpes simplex virus; usually transmitted by sexual contact
LeiomyomaUteri- benign tumor of the smooth muscle of the uterus; also called fibroids.
Leukorrhea- discharges of white fluid containing mucus and pus from the vigina.
Mastitis- inflammation of the breast, often due to infection.
Menorrhagia- excessive uterine bleeding during menstruation.
Oligomenorrhea- unusually light or in frequent flow.
Oophoritis- inflammation of one or both ovaries ,usually due to infection.
Ovarian cysts- A fluid sac in an ovary; may be either benign or malignant
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease- any inflammation and infection of the female upper reproductive organs (ovaries, fallopian tubes, or uterus)
Pyosalpinx- accumulation of pus in one or both fallopian tubes.
Retroversion- tipping backward of an organ (e.g. uterus from its usual position).
Salpingitis- inflammation of one or both fallopian tubes, usually due to infection.
Sterility- in females, the ability to become pregnant
Syphilis- an infection, chronic, STD characterized usually by skin lesion, followed by mild flu-like symptoms and eventually serious organ damage.
ToxicShockSyndrome- serious disease caused by infection by a toxin producing strain of the bacterium Staphylococcus Aureus, commonly seen in young women using high absorbent tampons during menstruation.
Trichomoniasis- infection, usually of the vagina, by Trichomonas, (protozoa); often causes vaginitis, urethritis, and cystitis.
UterineProlapse- falling or slipping of the uterus from its usual position, as when the uterine ligaments are stretched.
Vaginitis- inflammation of the vagina,usually due to infection.
Uterus- Contains and nourishes the embryo from the time the fertilized egg is implanted until the fetus is born
Vagina- Muscular tube that extends from the cervix to the exterior of the body
The external genitalia consists of: Labia Minora, Labia Majora, Bartholin Glands, Mons Pubis, Clitoris, Vaginal Orifice
Ovulation- The release of a mature ovum from the ovary
folliclestimulatinghormone- A hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary that acts on the gonads. In the female, it stimulates ripening of the eggs in the ovary.