Cosmological argument

Cards (12)

  • What is the cosmological argument?
    Argument for the existence of God based on the idea that the universe requires a cause or explanation for its existence
  • What does Plato think about cause?

    Everything has to have a cause
  • What does Aristotle think about cause?

    Everything has a cause and that cause is an unmoved mover
  • What is an infinite regress?
    Endless series of causes
  • What are Thomas Aquinas’ first 4 ways?
    • Unmoved mover
    • Uncaused causer
    • Contingency
    • Perfection
  • What is Aquinas’ first way?

    Unmoved mover
    Everything that moves must be moved by something else, and that thing itself can’t be moved
    Similar to Aristotle
  • What is Aquinas’ second way?
    Uncaused causer
    Every effect has a cause
    Infinite regress is impossible so there must be a first cause
  • What is Aquinas’ third way?

    Argument from contingency
    The world consists of contingent beings
    Everything in the physical world is contingent on something else bringing it into existence
  • What is Aquinas’ fourth way?
    Argument from perfection
    Things show varied levels of perfection
    There must be a supreme perfection for all things to fall short of
    This is God
  • Who supported the cosmological argument?
    Gottfried Leibniz
  • What did Leibniz argue?

    The universe is best understood in terms of relationships between time and space than in terms of facts and rules
  • What did Gottfried Leibniz come up with?

    Principle of sufficient reason